Toula΄s Seaside, Pomo d΄Oro and Klimataria - Nikos Bellos receive awards at FLAG Restaurant Awards for Greek Cuisine

CORFU. Toula΄s Seaside and Pomodoro were awarded the highest honour as two of the 13 best restaurants in all Greece.
Once again, the restaurant industry celebrated Greek cuisine at the FLAG Restaurant Awards for Greek Cuisine in Thessaloniki. On Tuesday evening, November 12, awards were presented to restaurants that continue to champion Greek traditions, bringing flavours to our tables that are either authentically traditional or transformed to meet the demands of the 21st century. The awards ceremony took place at the Electra Palace Hotel and was attended by renowned, multi-award-winning Greek chefs, journalists and notable figures in the field.
Three restaurants from Corfu received awards as follows:
Golden Palm - the highest award: Toula's Seaside, Pomo d'Oro.
The two Corfu restaurants are two of the best 13 best in all Greece.
Citation Category: Bellos' Klimataria