Healthy Little Eaters become...lotus eaters!

CORFU. Through Odysseus΄s journey, the pupils learned about the ΄Land of the Lotus-Eaters,΄ where people who ate the lotus would forget their homeland and their goals.
As part of the interdisciplinary activities of the Healthy Little Eaters group, they organised a special lesson focused on the lotus—a fruit with unique nutritional benefits and deep cultural significance, which is also abundant this month. Through this hands-on experience, the Healthy Little Eaters not only practised the English language but also connected with stories from Greek mythology, approaching the concepts of healthy eating and environmental protection in a unique way.
The lotus is not just an exceptionally nutritious fruit but also a part of our mythological heritage. Through Odysseus's journey, the pupils learned about the 'Land of the Lotus-Eaters,' where those who ate the lotus would forget their homeland and goals, trapped in a state of calm and indifference toward the rest of the world. This story sparked reflection on the theme of balance in life, the importance of mindful eating, and the value of preserving our memories and goals.
The lesson concluded with a tasting of the lotus fruit by the Healthy Little Eaters, who learned about its rich nutritional value and its contribution to our health, while also understanding its significance within a broader cultural and environmental context.
Integrating mythological and environmental themes into the educational process enhances the holistic development of our pupils.
Spyridoula Kokkali, Project Manager at Healthy Little Eaters, stated: "Our goal is not only to teach a foreign language but also to cultivate the mind, spirit and heart, inspiring our pupils with values such as responsibility, respect for the environment, and mindful eating. Through this multifaceted experience, our pupils are encouraged to become conscious and informed citizens, capable of contributing to a healthy and sustainable society. Proud of our healthy little eaters, we continue our work with vision and inspiration! Warm thanks to Konstantinos Provatas for the donation of the lotus fruits."