Παρασκευή 07.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Regional Governor conducts on-site inspection of works at Potamos Bridge

Potamos bridge
11 Οκτωβρίου 2024 / 14:17

CORFU. With the completion of the works, buses and heavier vehicles will be able to move safely, which will facilitate the service for the residents.

On Friday morning, October 11th, Regional Governor Yiannis Treplekis and Deputy Regional Governor for Technical Works and Planning Mr. Mamalos visited the area where the works are being carried out at the Potamos bridge.

The Regional Governor along with his colleagues conducted an on-site inspection and expressed their satisfaction with the progress of the work.



Yiannis Trepeklis stated, among other things:

"Following the start of the works for the deepening and cleaning of the river, where the works are still ongoing and I believe they will be completed very soon, we are nearing the completion of the work at the bridge." He also mentioned that he believes it will be open to traffic in no more than a month.

Additionally, he expressed satisfaction with the quality of the work and added that the geotechnical study is being applied precisely, in an intervention that has its difficulties. In any case, with the completion of the works, buses and heavier vehicles will be able to move safely, which will facilitate the service for the residents.

Below is the full statement of the Regional Authority Governor: