Up to 62% of water lost from supply networks!

ATHENS. Reasoning for the increase of water charges is in progress, following audits by the Regulatory Authority.
The neglect of infrastructure, and in this case, water supply networks, is something not unique to Corfu, as it turns out! According to a statement by Deputy Minister of Interior Vassilis Spanakis during the briefing of the Subcommittee on Water Resources of the Special Standing Committee for the Protection of the Environment in Parliament last Tuesday, "based on the use of the indicator "Water conservation from leakage reduction", it is estimated that around 58 million cubic metres of potable water savings per year from leakage reduction correspond to the annual water demand of a city of 600,000 inhabitants".
In the recent presentation of interventions to address water scarcity by the Ministry of Environment and Energy, it was noted that in 2019, according to a DEYA statement, the rate of water shortage from leaks ranged between 9.5% and 62%, with the average being 35.6%.
The minister in charge Theodoros Skilakakis said that around 40%-50% of water is lost through leaks in the water supply networks, adding that "From now on, all water providers will have to pass any price increase through a review by the Water Regulatory Authority, which will be fully operational by the end of the month. The review is based on the European directive, which mandates cost regulation without profit on water."