Παρασκευή 14.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Central Corfu Mayor: Easter measures successful to a large extent

Corfu Easter
08 Μαΐου 2024 / 15:01

CORFU. The Central Corfu Mayor is satisfied with the way things went with this year΄s Easter celebrations in Corfu.

The Mayor of Central Corfu, Stefanos Poulimenos, gave a good rating to the way things went in the town over the Easter period, in an evaluation of the measures implemented this year by the local authorities in collaboration with businesses.

Both locals and visitors experienced significant changes in the organisation of events in Corfu Town, and an upgrade of its image at Easter this year.

During a press conference, Stefanos Poulimenos stated: "The transportation of drivers and passengers from the four designated parking areas to the city and vice versa went smoothly, with buses provided free of charge by the Ionian Regional Authority and the Urban KTEL, as well as 4 rented tourist buses.

During the three-day period of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Saturday, as well as Palm Sunday, the shops on the streets where processions and Epitaphios passed withdrew tables and chairs and merchandise, resulting in the smooth conduct of religious events.

During the festive three-day period, cafes and bars suspended their music, resulting in only the melodies of our philharmonic bands and choirs being heard, creating an atmosphere of reverence in accordance with centuries-old customs. The measures regarding tables and chairs and music were taken in consultation with the Municipal Authority and the Business Associations in the area.

Safety measures were reinforced with the installation of barriers and ropes, with a strong police presence and the assistance of a volunteer bodies providing valuable services. Nevertheless, we had two, fortunately minor, incidents of injuries during the throwing of clay pots and two incidents of fainting, which were promptly and effectively addressed by an EKAB paramedic motorcyclist who rushed to the scenes.

For the first time, a time limit was set for throwing pots, with a simple recommendation rather than a regulatory decision, to limit the risks from the uncontrolled and undefined situation that prevailed up to last year. The first implementation of the measure generally worked positively, as did the recommendation to avoid phenomena of commercialisation of the resurrection events. Efforts will continue...

The unprecedented influx of visitors to our island (nearly 20% increase) to experience the religious events left enormous amounts of waste, which the Municipality's Cleaning Service took care of with impressive immediacy and efficiency. The town and the countryside were so clean this year that it was commented on by both locals and visitors, as well as by businesses.

Efforts for a more beautiful and functional town were strengthened by:

  • the restoration of appropriate festive lighting for Easter Week,
  • the reconnection of municipal lighting at the airport junction, which remained dark for 4 years, as well as the Douglas Column
  • Many neighbourhoods, especially in the old town of Corfu, were also illuminated.
  • Additionally, the fountain in San Rocco Square was repaired and restored, while sanitation facilities necessary for every town, particularly for ours, were repaired and put into operation. And efforts continue...

The big crash test - WE CAN DO IT!

For all of these, the municipal authority received numerous congratulatory messages, indicative of the widespread popular recognition, of the effort, the attempts, and the results we recorded in the great crash test of the days of our paramount celebration, Easter.

Everything indicates that a new chapter in our life has begun. A chapter that constitutes a prelude for the future...

Our effort, our struggle, will continue undeterred, with courage to do the obvious!"

The Mayor thanked all those who contributed to this effort:

The Police Chief, the Traffic Police Director, and the police personnel who did everything for the better implementation of traffic regulations and generally the measures for order.

The Port Authority for the order they ensured in the port area. The Ambulance Service (EKAB) personnel for their presence at the designated locations and their immediate response wherever needed. The Regional Governor, Mr. Yiannis Trepeklis, and the Management of the Urban KTEL for the free provision of buses.

Corfu Port Authority Management and the Urban Transport Company who provided their spaces again this year for the parking of a large number of buses and cars. The CMT volunteers, who helped maximize the use of available spaces, especially in the new parking areas.

Our volunteers on the town streets who provided valuable services in managing traffic, keeping order, and providing guidance and information to our visitors.

The staff of the Everday Life, Cleaning and Technical Services, and the Departments of Tourism, Culture, and Finance, who, along with the responsible Deputy Mayors and the councils of the town and village communities, gave their best for a Corfu worthy of its history and culture.

The businesses in the Town and elsewhere, for the spirit of cooperation, coordination, and maturity they showed, making a significant difference this year.

Our coordinator, Fotis Skourtis, and his associates, who gave their best for the organisation and coordination of the holiday events over these days. And those who participated in the processions and the Epitaphios.

It would be remiss of me not to mention the thousands of fellow citizens in the town and the countryside who participated this year in all the processions and the Epitaphios:

  • Those who lift and carry banners, candlesticks, icons, torches, etc., continuing a centuries-old tradition inherited from Byzantium.
  • The administrations, conductors, and musicians of our Philharmonic Bands who illuminate the events of the days with their participation and shape the unique atmosphere of the ceremonies with their melodies.
  • The administrations, conductors, and choristers of our choirs who also leave their mark on the ritual events.
  • The pupils, scouts, guides, etc., who accompany processions and epitaphios.
  • The ordinary citizens who participate in their own way in the festive events of Easter and contribute to their popular character.

Onwards and upwards for next year!



When asked about the accident with the clay pot that fell on a woman, when thrown by two deputy mayors, the Mayor responded:

"We had taken and announced all the necessary measures in view of these events, which have an element of risk. We specified the time when these events take place. The incident occurred 11 minutes after the bell of Agios Spyridon had rung and warned us all.

I believe, and I think this is common sense, that in these few minutes when the pot throwing takes place, each of us, and especially the local residents, must take a specific and safe position. We all must be careful. However, I don't think such an incident, fortunately with insignificant consequences,should annul a tremendous effort made by all my collaborators and doesn't justify the view that they should resign. This is an exaggeration and overreaction, which we have become accustomed to lately."

He also noted that the woman was warned before passing, but she continued walking while the pot-throwing had already begun.