Τετάρτη 12.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Mayor Poulimenos drops ΄bombshell΄ regarding music at places of entertainment during Easter Week

12 Φεβρουαρίου 2024 / 14:17

CORFU. Music to be prohibited in Corfu Town historic centre on Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Saturday.

Following up on his announcement that it won't be a case of 'anything goes' in Corfu Town, Central Corfu Mayor, Stefanos Poulimenos, declared the prohibition of music in catering and entertainment establishments in the historic centre, for a three-day period during Easter Week, specifically from Holy Thursday to Easter Saturday, in order to avoid, for another year, the familiar scenes of music playing during religious ceremonies.

This announcement was made during his presence at the cutting of the New Year Cake of the Old Town Permanent Residents' Association on Sunday 11 February at the Workers Center, where all issues concerning life in the historic centre and the broader protected zone were discussed.

For the first time

The Mayor told Enimerosi that from now on, when the permits of catering and entertainment establishments are renewed annually, there will be, for the first time, a specific clause prohibiting the use of music on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Saturday, "due to religious ceremonies and the corresponding seriousness we must demonstrate," as he stated.

The usual scenes that occur every year with loud music playing next to religious events are something that also provokes the common reaction of the people of Corfu, as any sense of reverence is drowned out by the loud sounds of cafes, bars, etc.

"It is an offence for speakers to be turned on during the religious events of Easter Week. We must show seriousness. This is not negotiable. We will not allow such scenes," Mr. Poulimenos told Enimerosi, pointing out that the enforcement of the measure will be strictly applied in the Old Town but will also serve as guidance in other areas to address noise pollution. He further clarified that the enforcement of the measure will be monitored by the police as well as by a team from the Municipality.



This news has hit the catering professionals like a bolt from the blue, for whom the Easter period is particularly profitable due to the high influx of visitors, and they consider that music contributes to maintaining their clientele and the turnover of their establishments.

For the time being, the Corfu Catering Union is adopting a wait-and-see approach, without wishing to make any comment, while Corfu Old Town Association of Catering and Entertainment Professionals has reservations about the measure. "The Board of Directors will consider it," said the President of the Association, Yiannis Vlachos, expressing his reservations as to the legality of such a decision. "We understand it for Good Friday, but for the other days, we have reservations. The people who come want to see the religious events but at the same time to go out and have fun."

In the right direction

This initiative from the Mayor, however, is perceived as a move in the right direction for the seriousness of Corfu's religious tradition and Orthodox Christianity in general, according to sources from the Church speaking to Enimerosi. A similar stance is taken by the President of the Old Town Permanent Residents' Association, Nikos Olympios. "It is a measure in the right direction and we welcome it. These days are days of solemnity. The crucifixion and burial of Christ cannot take place while music is playing," he said.