Παρασκευή 14.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

DEI sends extrajudicial document to DIADEYADK for debt of €9.2m

21 Απριλίου 2023 / 22:04

CORFU. Meropi Ydraiou: Part of the money will be covered by funding from the Ministry of Interior and the rest with a debt settlement.

DEI sent an extrajudicial document to DIADEYADK and notified the three Corfu municipalities, asking them to pay the debt of about €9.2m, but the Municipal Enterprise's money is not sufficient to cover the amount.
These are debts of previous years (about €4.5m) that the current DIADEYADK administration received, as well as new ones of about the same amount created due to the energy crisis. The issue of covering the increased energy costs is of course something that all DEYAs in the country have to deal with and they have repeatedly requested support from the state, in order to manage these huge costs.
"To give you an idea of the difference we are talking about, in the past there was an annual bill to DEDDIE for energy costs of about €4-€4.5m. Now this has more than doubled and we need over €11m a year. This is unbearable and cannot be dealt with not only by our own DIADEYADK but by any DEYA in Greece", Mayor Meropi Ydraiou told Enimerosi.
Mr. Petsas' promise for funding
The issue was raised by all the mayors of the Ionian Islands in the recent Ionian Islands Regional Union of Municipalities (PEDIN) meeting under the Deputy Minister of Interior Stelios Petsas. As Ms. Ydraiou said, Mr. Petsas promised to provide funding to all DEYAs according to their needs and costs, while old and new DEDDIE bills of both before and after 2019 have already been requested and sent to the Ministry.
While waiting for the funding, the DIADEYADK administration is in contact with DEI, in order to settle the debt to amounts that are reasonable and the Municipal Enterprise can pay.
"The Ministry of Interior funding will not be enough to cover the entire amount and that is why we say that we want to absorb a part of it and offset it with funding and to make an arrangement for the remaining amount that is realistic and feasible for DIADEYA," said Ms. Ydraiou, stressing that if this assistance and funding from the state does not come, no DEYA in Greece will be able to cope with the energy cost.
Ydraiou: No risk of power cut
As Meropi Ydraiou said, there is no risk of a power cut at the pumping stations that supply water to the island. Regarding the revenue, she said that DIADEYADK has no problem and that it has increased a lot.
"If the energy cost was at the levels it was before the war in Ukraine, we would have no problem whatsoever to meet our obligations to DEDDIE and cover all the other needs that such a large organisation has, such as supplies, services, spare parts, fleet, staff and dealing with damage or breakdowns", said the Mayor.