
Series of meetings ahead of fire season
CORFU. The aim of the meetings is to coordinate all the involved parties.

Following completion of harbour basin, work to proceed with flood prevention measures in Spilia
CORFU. By June 30th, the reinforcement of the harbour basin will have been completed. Trepeklis and Mamalos inspected the marina at Café Yiali.

50 forest rangers coming to Corfu before Easter
CORFU. There was a wide-ranging meeting under Deputy Minister of Civil Protection Vaggelis Tournas to discuss preparations ahead of the upcoming fire protection period.

Central Corfu Municipality: Fines for uncleared land
CORFU. Those with plots of land are being called upon to clear and thin them out by April 30th, ahead of the fire prevention period.

Activities for children and adults by ‘Nikos Moros’ DIMOP and ‘Stirixi’ Society
CORFU. On the occasion of the International Day Against Drug Abuse – Priority is given to strengthening mental health.

Fire prevention training for Roma community
CORFU. There will be a special fire prevention and firefighting training for the Roma community.

Lots of interest from young and old in Fire Department information event
CORFU. The Fire Department organised a special information event in the Upper Square in Corfu Town on Saturday.

Information for the public on fire prevention
CORFU. 10:00-13:00 on Saturday 7 May in the Upper Square in Corfu Town.

Central Corfu Municipality clearing roadside grass and bushes
CORFU. Update from Deputy Mayor Haris Yiotis on clearing work being done by Civil Protection service in Central Corfu districts.

΄NO to Drugs΄: Performance of ΄Dust in the Wind΄ at the Old Palace
CORFU. Special event for the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.

Police, Regional Administration and ΄Stirixi΄ talk about International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
CORFU. An event will take place outside the Old Palace, where the public will have the chance to see the musical ΄Dust in the Wind΄.

Events for International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (26 June)
CORFU. The ΄Nikos Moros΄ Centre for the Prevention of Addiction and Promotion of Psychosocial Health along with ΄STIRIXIS΄(Support) Society for Addictive Substances and AIDS are organizing special events.

Events for International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (26 June)
CORFU. The ΄Nikos Moros΄ Centre for the Prevention of Addiction and Promotion of Psychosocial Health along with ΄STIRIXIS΄(Support) Society for Addictive Substances and AIDS are organizing special events.

Events for International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (26 June)
CORFU. The ΄Nikos Moros΄ Centre for the Prevention of Addiction and Promotion of Psychosocial Health along with ΄STIRIXIS΄(Support) Society for Addictive Substances and AIDS are organizing special events.

Events for International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (26 June)
CORFU. The ΄Nikos Moros΄ Centre for the Prevention of Addiction and Promotion of Psychosocial Health along with ΄STIRIXIS΄(Support) Society for Addictive Substances and AIDS are organizing special events.

Events for International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (26 June)
CORFU. The ΄Nikos Moros΄ Centre for the Prevention of Addiction and Promotion of Psychosocial Health along with ΄STIRIXIS΄(Support) Society for Addictive Substances and AIDS are organizing special events.

΄We΄re building bridges of cooperation: We say NO to drugs΄: Event co-organized by Regional Administration and Police
CORFU. The Ionian Island Regional Administration and Ionian Island Police Department are co-organizing an event for the prevention of drug addiction and AIDS with the support of STIRIXIS (Support) Society.

Civil Protection Secretariat: Clear up the dry grass on your properties!
CORFU. Owners of land in close proximity to inhabited areas are legally obliged to take measures to prevent the possible outbreak of fires.