Monday 16.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ


22 Jul 2024 / 12:49
Voluntary painting of former psychiatric clinic

CORFU. Monday 22 July at 17:00.

24 Apr 2024 / 13:44
Corfu Lions Club to donate two paintings to Elpida and Floga for children with cancer

CORFU. Corfu School of Art presented Corfu Lions Club with two paintings to be donated to the Elpida and Floga facilities for children with cancer.

02 Feb 2024 / 15:47
Colourless school walls take on colour and life at Liapades Junior High

CORFU. Nine paintings by the Corfiot artist Kostas Tombros now adorn the classroom walls.

16 Sep 2022 / 19:33
Donation of 150 litres of paint to Corfu Hospital

CORFU. As part of Vitex΄s ΄Paint Bank΄ initiative in collaboration with the Ministry of Health.

29 Jul 2022 / 12:30
Response of Corfu MP Dimitris Biagis to attacks on local newspaper offices

CORFU. "We condemn all acts that take us back to previous times," said the PASOK KINAL MP.

26 May 2022 / 14:49
Theresa Nicholas exhibition opening at Corfu Art Gallery

CORFU. Her love of the island and its people can be seen in her work and she has captured images of island architecture which has since disappeared.

07 Apr 2022 / 10:57
Children from Smile of the Child to draw and paint in Nymphes

CORFU. Nymphes Sports Society is organising a special event with music from ΄Who΄s Got The Ice΄.

06 Apr 2021 / 10:55
Spyros Gelekas painting donated to Corfu Hospital by Vraganiotika Cultural Society

CORFU. The gift was made in recognition of the tremendous work done by the hospital Blood Donation Unit.

25 Jun 2020 / 17:50
School walls come to life at Agios Mathaios Primary School

CORFU. Painted scenes from nature, school life and children΄s games have brought the previously dull walls of Agios Mathaios Primary School to life.

12 Oct 2019 / 00:00
Painting lessons at the Old Arillas school

CORFU. Arillas Cultural Initiative is organising painting lessons.

06 Oct 2018 / 00:00
Arkadades Cultural Society - painting lessons

CORFU. Arkadades Cultural Society is organizing painting lessons.

26 Aug 2018 / 07:21
Anarchist group claims responsibility for paint attack on Town Hall (Marasli)

CORFU. They claim that the Lefkimmi Popular Assembly posters were already on the walls.

19 Jul 2018 / 00:00
Art exhibition ΄Giorgos Koulouris 1945-2016΄ at the Museum of Asian Art

CORFU. The opening of the exhibition with works by the Corfu artist Giorgos Koulouris will take place on Thursday 19th July at 20:00.

04 Jul 2018 / 00:00
Art exhibition with works by Spyros Fronimos and Marily Vlachou at Anemomylos

CORFU. The exhibition ΄Eliminating Distance΄ with works by Spyros Fronimos and Marily Vlachou is being held at Anemomylos.

19 Jun 2018 / 00:00
΄Painting Journeys΄: Andreas Kontellis art exhibition at the Municipal Art Gallery

CORFU. Exhibition ΄ Painting Journeys΄ with the works of Andreas Kontellis at the Municipal Art Gallery

15 Jun 2018 / 00:00
Art School Students: Annual exhibition at Municipal Art Gallery

CORFU. The Municipal Art Gallery will be hosting the annual art exhibition from students at the School of Art.

08 Jun 2018 / 06:10
Children from ΄What I Love is Art΄ putting on art exhibition at Municipal Theatre

CORFU. Following the children΄s success in the Museum of Cycladic Art art competition - where 5 works were chosen to be included in the exhibition ΄A different way of looking at idols΄ - the time has come for them to show us their progress!