Thursday 19.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ


02 May 2018 / 00:00
Corfu Art Gallery: Fernanda Facciolli art exhibition

CORFU. The exhibition is titled ΄Journey in Time with the Deities of the Heavens and the Mountains in the works of FERNANDA FACCIOLLI΄.

27 Apr 2018 / 07:24
Painting by artist Spyridon Trousas on display at Russian art exhibition

MILAN. The art critic Mattea Micello chose the painting ΄Ιmmortalitá΄ by Spyridon Trousas to be exhibited at the conference ΄Modern Art as a Means of Global Communication΄.

04 May 2018 / 00:00
Adventures in light by Kerstin Lindgren

CORFU. An art exhibition by the acclaimed Swedish artist Kerstin Lindgren - Nordic Light in Movements - opens on Friday 4th May in the atmospheric ambience of the historical Flour Stores in the Old Fortress.

10 Apr 2018 / 05:05
Art Exhibition in China with works by Corfu painter Spyros Gelekas

There will be an exhibition of paintings by the Corfu painter Spyros Gelekas at the Foshan Art Fair in China, 12 - 16 April.

02 Apr 2018 / 00:00
΄Bathers΄: Art exhibition by Natasa Maneta at Plus

CORFU. Natasa Maneta is presenting an exhibition of her paintings titled ΄Bathers΄ at the Plus bookshop cafe.

29 Mar 2018 / 07:55
Opening of Stefanos Sgouros exhibition at Municipal Art Gallery

CORFU. The exhibition has been curated by Ms. Marina Papasotiriou and historian and philologist Dimitris Zymaris collated his life and his literary work.

28 Mar 2018 / 00:00
Municipal Art Gallery exhibition – tribute to Corfu painter Stefanos Sgouros

CORFU. This year Corfu Municipal Art Gallery is honouring one of the greatest Corfu artists, Stefanos Sgouros, with the painting exhibition “Stefanos Sgouros – A Retrospective”.

22 Mar 2018 / 08:26
Art Exhibition: ‘Portraits of Heroes’ at Corfu Art Gallery

CORFU. An art exhibition ΄Portraits of Heroes΄ with works by Panayiotis Mavropoulos in the Periodical Exhibitions Hall at the Corfu Art Gallery until 28th March.

22 Mar 2018 / 00:00
Dimitris Sofianos Art Exhibition at ΄Avli΄

CORFU. Exhibition of works by the well-known Corfu painter Dimitris Sofianos.

20 Dec 2017 / 11:20
Painting day for the children

CORFU. Corfu Events Organization (OKE) and the artist Spyridoula Zachou are organizing a painting event for children.