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School walls come to life at Agios Mathaios Primary School

Agios Mathaios
25 Jun 2020 / 16:52

CORFU. Painted scenes from nature, school life and children΄s games have brought the previously dull walls of Agios Mathaios Primary School to life.

The work was the initiative of art teacher Nafsika Moschopoulou and the School Headteacher Vassilis Magoulas posted on Facebook that, "I have often said how proud I feel of my colleagues at school - from the class teacher to the specialist teachers.

I don't often single out individuals but this time I'm going to make an exception. This year in the art classes - a subject which some people don't attach much importance to, but in my view is extremely valuable - the teacher Nafsika Moschopoulou took a special initiative. Every Tuesday and Wednesday she came wearing clean clothes but when she left they were dirty - but she won the hearts and love of everyone, especially her pupils. Right at the beginning of the year we decided to do something to bring our school walls to life. We would cover the dull walls with scenes from old reading books as a reminder to the older ones amongst us and to inspire the younger ones. What with the weather and then the coronavirus lockdown the plan went ahead when the schools reopened.

Nafsika and pupils from all the classes took brushes and paints and went into action. The result is quite wonderful!

I would like to thank you Nafsika Moschopoulou for the beauty you have created as a person and as a teacher. I would like to thank all our pupils and all my colleagues as you have made me feel significant in serving public education."