knife attack

17-year-old accused of knife attack released with restrictive conditions
CORFU. Charges of criminal nature have been filed against the 17-year-old for attempted murder, aggravated assault causing serious bodily harm on multiple occasions, as well as for violating weapons legislation.

Knife attack perpetrator to appear before Prosecutor on Monday
CORFU. The 14-year-old who was stabbed in the leg has been discharged. The 17-year-old has returned to Ioannina University Hospital from Patras following the surgical procedure he underwent.

Criminal charges brought against 17-year-old
CORFU. Police conducted an investigation into the case and the arrested individual will be brought to appear before the Corfu Prosecutor.

Two arrested for today΄s stabbing in San Rocco
CORFU. The injured man remains hospitalised at Corfu Hospital.

Knife attack in San Rocco Square
CORFU. According to police sources, it was a fight between drug users.

Accused Pakistani to appear before investigating magistrate on Thursday
CORFU. The accused man was given 48 hours today before he has to appear before the investigating magistrate on charges of attempted murder, rape and illegal possession of a weapon.

Pakistani charged with attempted murder and rape
CORFU. Update from the police on the attack on the Briton this weekend.

Man arrested for threatening 2 female students with knife
CORFU. A 47-year-old man was taken to the Public Prosecutor’s office today, charged with threatening two female students with a knife last Saturday.