Friday 07.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

17-year-old accused of knife attack released with restrictive conditions

Το περιστατικό σόκαρε τους περαστικούς καθώς έγινε σε πολυσύχναστο σημείο
09 Apr 2024 / 08:18

CORFU. Charges of criminal nature have been filed against the 17-year-old for attempted murder, aggravated assault causing serious bodily harm on multiple occasions, as well as for violating weapons legislation.

The 17-year-old's defence was lengthy, lasting from 12:00 until at least 8:00 p.m. on Monday, in response to allegations of stabbing three others in San Rocco Square last week.

The pupil is said to have named others involved in the incident, while his lawyers announced they would file a lawsuit against those who assaulted him.

The prosecutor has summoned other children who were involved in the incident or were eyewitnesses to testify.

Police are investigating the exact causes of the clash and whether it was ultimately a meeting to settle scores. Some of the children claimed that it stemmed from a misunderstanding involving a girl.

Charges of a criminal nature have been brought against the 17-year-old for attempted murder, severe bodily harm both intentionally and repeatedly, as well as for violating weapons legislation.