Friday 20.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ


12 Jul 2024 / 16:06
Visiting professor discusses threat of climate crisis on Corfu

CORFU. Professor Efthymios Lekkas has been invited by the Regional Governor on Friday (12/7) along with representatives of the authorities, institutions and other bodies.

03 Feb 2023 / 21:35
Central Corfu Municipality in ΄100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities΄ programme

CORFU. Opportunities to secure significant community resources with environmental, social, economic, development and educational benefits.

31 Jan 2022 / 14:23
Central Corfu Municipality in Greek Alliance towards Climate Neutrality by 2030

ATHENS. The aim of the Climate-Neutral & Smart Cities Pact (‘Cities Pact’) is to speed up the Cities’ transition to climate-neutrality and digital transformation by 2030.

06 Nov 2021 / 15:15
Corfu also takes part in climate crisis protests

CORFU. The climate crisis protest took place in Corfu without a particularly large turnout.

04 Nov 2021 / 10:25
Climate crisis protest - Annunziata Square, Saturday 6 November

CORFU. Call to action from Corfu Society for the Protection of the Environment.

17 Nov 2020 / 16:22
Climathon in Corfu: Call to action on climate change

CORFU. Once again Climathon is being held in dozens of towns and countries around the world as it has been since 2015.

09 Jan 2020 / 12:09
Laconia businessman cycling from Athens to Nepal!

LACONIA. Paul Evmorfidis is cycling 7,500km on a wooden bike to raise awareness about climate change and to raise money for WWF Greece.

10 Dec 2019 / 00:00
΄Save the Blue΄: Open discussion on climate change

CORFU. Organised by the Ionian University.

01 Dec 2019 / 08:34
Letter from ΄Fridays for Future΄ to Meropi Ydraiou

CORFU. Fridays for Future Corfu handed in a letter to the Central Corfu & Diapontia Islands Municipality following Friday΄s demonstration demanding that measures be taken to tackle climate change.

29 Nov 2019 / 12:17
Climate change demonstration from ΄Fridays for Future΄ Corfu

CORFU. The Fridays for Future (fff) Corfu group was set up to take action against climate change. fff is a global movement.

29 Nov 2019 / 00:00
For the first time in Corfu - climate justice demonstration by ΄Fridays For Future Corfu΄

CORFU. The Fridays For Future Corfu (fff) group has been set up to take action against the climate crisis.

26 Oct 2019 / 10:25
Spyros Neratzis in Brussels for climate change meeting

CORFU. He said the meeting was "Very informative and useful and necessary from all aspects".

27 Sep 2019 / 15:05
Climate change: Pupils at Afra Primary School demonstrate!

CORFU. "The planet is ill - it΄s time for action!" was their slogan.

27 Sep 2019 / 11:41
Climate change:Sit-down protest by Corfu school pupils

CORFU. Corfu school pupils held a sit-down protest in Annunziata Square today.

26 Sep 2019 / 00:00
Climate change - presentation and protest

CORFU. Fossil Free Corfu is organising an open meeting.

27 Sep 2019 / 13:10
Demonstration in Spianada for climate justice

CORFU. A demonstration is being organised in Spianada in the Upper Square.

20 Sep 2019 / 12:52
Climate change: Worldwide protests from pupils

Young people of all ages are today protesting and condemning governments for their lack of action in protecting the environment.

17 Jul 2019 / 09:06
Common Declaration signed by movements and initiatives against hydrocarbon drilling

Citizens΄ movements and initiatives in Western Greece and the Ionian against hydrocarbon drilling have signed and sent the following declaration to the country΄s authorities and production companies: