
Accident involving lorry and car in Solaris
CORFU. There were no injuries - only material damage.

Protest crowd moved by words of cousin of twins who died in Tempi rail accident
CORFU. Thousands of protesters, young and old, shouted "We have no oxygen!"

"I can΄t breathe" protest in Annunziata Square Sunday 26 January
CORFU. The cry of anguish heard in the chilling audio recording from the rail tragedy in Tempi has become a rallying cry for thousands of people.

Road accident on Eth.Paleokastritsas Rd
CORFU. The accident happened near the Electricians΄ Cooperative.

Accident victim loses her leg
CORFU. She is in stable condition in Corfu Hospital ICU.

Serious accident in Kallithea
CORFU. The accident happened in a supermarket car park.

Car hits pedestrian at Platytera
CORFU. A police unit went to the scene to determine the cause of the accident.

Two cars involved in accident near port
CORFU. According to reports, no one was injured. There was only material damage.

Two trapped in car in road accident
CORFU. The two women, mother and daughter, were taken to hospital by ambulance.

Road accident in Milia, Kinopiastes
CORFU. A 70-year-old man was trapped in the car.

Motorcycle hits young boy at port roundabout
CORFU. The young boy was injured and taken to hospital by ambulance. According to reports, his condition is not serious.

Yet another motorcyclist injured in road accident
CORFU. This time in the Messoghi area.

What went wrong with the ΄Agia Theodora΄ that it got stuck in the shallows?
CORFU. And yet, the same accident has happened at least twice before in the past with ΄pantofles΄ (open ferry boats).

Elderly motorcyclist injured in Solari road accident
CORFU. The elderly motorcyclist was transferred by ambulance to the hospital.

Motorcyclist dies following accident on Sidari-Velonades road
CORFU. The motorcyclist was involved in a collision with a car.

Corfu Ambulance Workers Union΄s proposal for the reduction of accidents
CORFU. It concludes by stating that ΄the state must be capable of protecting citizens from potential killer drivers who consciously choose to drive dangerously΄.