Old Fortress

΄Capodistrias΄ Philharmonic Society concert dedicated to San Remo Festival songs
CORFU. Saturday 10 August at the Old Fortress.

Stefanos Korkolis and Sofia Manousaki in concert at Old Fortress
CORFU. Friday 2 August at 21:30

΄Le Tablao de Tango΄, 11th SEVEN Festival 2024 …the Ionian Islands festival!
CORFU. At the Old Fortress on Tuesday 23 July at 21:30.

Musical and Dance Performance ΄Percussion Steps΄ at Old Fortress
CORFU. Part of the proceeds will be used to support Young Nikolas.

Famous Morgan State University choir to perform at St. George΄s chapel in Old Fortress
CORFU. The choir will perform on Saturday 25 May - Anemomylos Cultural Society ΄Thomas Flagginis΄ choir will also be performing.

Pierre Eleftheriou Littig photography exhibition "KoryFos"
CORFU. Pierre E. Littig is a graduate of the Department of AudioVisual Arts at the Ionian University and holder of an integrated MA in photography, specialising in photographing antiquities and architectural photography.

Another protest against establishment of private universities
CORFU. Some students placed protest banners on the Old Fortress.

΄Viva Giorgo!΄: tribute to Giorgos Katsaros with the ΄Old΄ Philharmonic at the Old Fortress
CORFU. Saturday, 16 September at 20:30. Part of the proceeds will go to the Thessaly flood victims.

Exhibition opening:"The Greek-Italian Crisis and the Corfu Incident"
CORFU. In the Latin Chapel at the Old Fortress until 31 December. Opening Hours: Daily 8:00 - 16:00

Exhibition of archival documents: "The Greek-Italian Crisis and the Corfu Incident"
CORFU. Opening on Monday, 28 August in the Latin Chapel at the Old Fortress.

Greek Youth Symphony Orchestra to perform at Old Fortress
CORFU. The orchestra will be performing at the Old Fortress on Tuesday 8 August.

Work to repair St. George΄s Church completed
CORFU. The work had begun just a few days after the fire, following immediate actions by the Ministry of Culture and the Corfu Inspectorate of Antiquities.

Corfu Prison School concert tonight at Old Fortress
CORFU. Following the success of Corfu Prison School΄s event "A few left" last year, it is taking place again this year on Wednesday 21 June at 21:00.

Work begins immediately to repair damage caused by fire in St. George΄s Church
CORFU. Immediate actions from the Ministry of Culture and the Inspectorate of Antiquities.

Concert for Peace at Church of St.George
CORFU. Choirs from Greece and the USA will be taking part in the concert.

Skripero Philharmonic concert at Church of St.George, Old Fortress
CORFU. Wednesday, 12 April at 20:00.

St. George΄s Church packed for ΄Mikis Theodorakis΄ Symphony Orchestra concert
The audience thoroughly enjoyed the rich musical programme featuring works by Dvorak, Theodorakis and Gogidis.