A special award was presented to the North Corfu Deputy Mayor of Circular Economy, Spyridoula Kokkali, by the Member of European Parliament, Alexis Georgoulis, on Saturday, March 30, during the workshop organised by the Green Foundation "Theophrastos" as the first female Deputy Mayor of Circular Economy in Greece. The workshop took place at the VERDE TEC International Exhibition.
Statement from the Foundation
Once again, this year, the Green Foundation, as a scientific urban non-profit company for political documentation, with the aim of studying, analysing, and disseminating, in every possible way, all aspects of ecological-green thinking, successfully organised a workshop with the title: "Recycling - Zero Waste - Energy Autonomy: The challenges of the future are here."
Special award
The event began with the presentation of an award to the North Corfu Deputy Mayor, Spyridoula Kokkali, by the Member of European Parliament, Alexis Georgoulis, who will be a candidate for the European Parliament with the Green Movement in the European elections in June. Ms. Kokkali was presented with the award as she is the first Deputy Mayor of Circular Economy in the country, and her work is truly a model and reference point in local government data and waste management.

Presentations - Speakers
The workshop presentations followed. First, the Co-President of the Green Party, Kostas Kalogranis, spoke on the topic "Recycling - Recovery - Re-use, The modeled proposal of the Green Party for urban waste". The Co-President of the Green Party succinctly described how recycling, recovery, and re-use can be achieved. Kostas Kalogranis specifically mentioned the model proposed by the Green Party: "We advocate for recycling at source, recovery, and re-use in waste management, based on the philosophy of the circular economy. We have a fully technocratically processed programme that results in 10,000 self-financed jobs nationwide."
The President of the Green Foundation, Nikos Papadakis, talked about the significant importance of biowaste, as well as what needs to be done in Attica.
The President then presented the wealth of conclusions that emerged during his tenure as Regional Councillor of Attica in the previous period, analysing the data so that our country could finally stop paying excessive fines to the EU for the way it manages its waste.
Next, Civil Engineer and Health Inspector Panayiotis Metaxatos took the stage to discuss how "Zero Energy and Zero Carbon Emissions in Homes" can be achieved, . He presented modern methods in a concise and scientific manner, providing practical guidelines.
Finally, Dr. Panayiotis Aggelopoulos, President of the Capodistrian Institute, presented the topic: "Wastewater treatment with zero energy cost" in his own lively manner, which kept the audience engaged throughout his presentation. By using specific examples and presenting data and figures, he highlighted the critical importance of wastewater treatment. His statement that there is currently less water in the tanks of EYDAP in Attica compared to the beginning of Autumn, due to the direct consequences of Climate Change, was particularly striking.