Sunday 16.02.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Two arrested for stealing psychotropic pills from pharmacy

05 Feb 2024 / 14:33

CORFU. They had also broken into another two businesses.

Two men, a 31-year-old foreign national and a 38-year-old Greek, were apprehended yesterday, 4 February.

Following a call to the Police Operations Centre (100), the 31-year-old foreign national was initially located and arrested by officers while in the act of burglarizing a hair salon in town, and stealing a laptop.

As the police investigation progressed, it was revealed that the 31-year-old, along with his 38-year-old Greek accomplice - subsequently located and arrested after searches by the police - had committed burglaries at a pharmacy and a hotel. These incidents occurred from the early morning hours until afternoon yesterday in a suburb of Corfu Town. The perpetrators took a total sum of €200, numerous drugs, psychotropic pills, and alcoholic beverages.

An inquiry was conducted by the police, during which the stolen laptop and most of the drugs and psychotropic pills were discovered and seized.

Criminal proceedings of a felonious nature were instituted against them for the crime of theft and violations of drug-related legislation.

The arrested men were taken to appear before the Corfu Prosecutort.






Σε βάρος τους σχηματίστηκε δικογραφία κακουργηματικού χαρακτήρα για το αδίκημα της διακεκριμένης κλοπής και παραβάσεις της νομοθεσίας για τα ναρκωτικά.

Οι συλληφθέντες οδηγήθηκαν στον Εισαγγελέα Πλημμελειοδικών Κέρκυρας.