Friday 14.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Liapades Junior High School pupils give school garden produce to Corfu community shop

10 Jan 2024 / 11:15

CORFU. The aim of the initiative is for pupils to develop additional skills through experiential processes and to create a space that is open and accessible to the entire community.

The pupils at Liapades Junior High are setting a good example by engaging in a meaningful act of solidarity. They donated the first harvest of vegetables they cultivated in their school garden to the Corfu Community Shop.

Upon their return after the holiday break, the 38 pupils made a symbolic yet significant gesture of generosity. On Monday 8 January, the first day of classes for the new term, they loaded three crates with broccoli and lettuce that they themselves had grown in the school garden. These fresh produce items were then offered to families in need supported by the valuable social organisation based in Corfu Town.



In September

The garden began to take shape at the beginning of the school year in an unused area of the school premises. The initiative came from the school principal, Konstantinos Kostalis, so that pupils could develop additional skills through experiential processes and to create a space that is open and accessible to the entire community.

Various vegetables and 17 fruit-bearing trees of nine different species were planted in the garden by the pupils and teachers of the school. They were supported at every step by volunteers from Liapades Recycling Centre.

Photo: Elena Papakosta

Lighting has also been installed that operates throughout the night, along with water supply for irrigation and picnic benches. The pupils, working in groups, took on the responsibility of caring for the garden with the necessary watering and individual tasks, witnessing day by day the fruits of their months-long effort. They then decided to donate part of the first harvest to Corfu Community Shop.

"We want to cultivate additional skills in the children and emphasise the importance of nature and engagement with it," said Mr. Kostalis. "With this in mind, we envisioned and created this garden, and on Monday, the first harvest took place. The 15-member pupil council decided to gift them to the community shop, engaging in an act of humanity and solidarity. Additionally, before the holidays, the pupils donated the money they raised from their craft sales for charity purposes. We will continue our efforts with the garden, and we are optimistic that there will be good production."

The next step is for the young producers to taste their harvest. As part of the skills lesson, they will prepare salads with goodies from the garden, and they will also fill bags to take home the vegetables they cultivated.


The beautiful environment of the school is complemented by other activities, making it more appealing for its pupils. Board games, chess boards, a ping pong table, table football - popular with both young and old - and even a pool table have found their place in the sheltered area of the schoolyard. Here, pupils can enjoy their breaks with various enjoyable pastimes.

Photo: Elena Papakosta

Photo: Elena Papakosta