Corfu School of Tourism remains greatly understaffed

CORFU. MP Dimitris Biagis: "The elections are over, the Ministers visited our island, but the School of Tourism is obviously not among the Ministry΄s priorities and plans".
The Corfu PASOK KINAL MP Dimitris Biagis said that the students who started classes today were faced with an image of complete destruction:
The image that the students of the Corfu School of Tourism were faced with today, the first day that the courses officially started, was tragic. And even though the elections are over and the Ministers visited our island, the problems continue and remain, unfortunately for Corfiots, as it seems that the Corfu School of Tourism is not among the Ministry's priorities and plans.
Without a director (since they left long ago), without recruitment of permanent administrative staff, without recruitment of teachers, with a single working teacher from the Rhodes School and with students facing an image of complete destruction in the once mighty School, the year begins with the worst omens.
Ms. Rapti (the responsible Deputy Minister) and her people did not inform us about all this, nor did they consider it necessary to enlighten us about the Ministry's intentions, assurances, promises and big words that followed our agonising questions in Parliament, as the government agents' only interest turned out to be the elections.
But the questions continue regarding the Corfu School of Tourism. We demand an immediate solution to the big problem of the School's staffing. We owe it to those children who are now facing empty classrooms, we owe it to the teachers of the institution who have given their best for so many years, we owe it to the Corfu tourism market, which expects the School to adequately staff its businesses.
Photo: Enimerosi / From the Deputy Minister of Tourism Elena Rapti's recent visit