Wednesday 12.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Tourism Minister: Corfu School of Tourism will start operating immediately

School of Tourism
15 Oct 2021 / 17:59

CORFU. Tourism Minister Vassilis Kikilias presented the plan for the viability of Corfu School of Tourism to the four tourism bodies, who met with him today at noon in Athens.

The meeting took place following a request submitted by the bodies, in an attempt to save the institution due to its lack of administrative staff and trainers.
The Tourism Minister made it clear that the school will operate immediately and it will be strengthened in the future. He, also, pointed out that applications for the recruitment of teaching staff are already being submitted and received by an Ionian Islands Regional Tourism Service employee, while a teacher from the Anavyssos School of Tourism will be transferred from Monday. In fact, an extension has already been granted until 22 October, exclusively for the Corfu School of Tourism, for this purpose.
At the same time, as the Minister said, the recruitment process of contract teachers and administrative staff is already ongoing. This year a total of 20 positions were advertised for the Corfu School of Tourism: 16 positions of teaching staff (last year they were 15) and 4 positions of administrative staff.
“Tourism is a national product. The School of Tourism’s operation is important for Corfu and cannot be subject to party interests. We will all work together for the good of the island and the upgrading of its tourism product”, said Mr. Kikilias.

In a positive atmosphere
Kikilias is even expected to visit the school in the near future. The meeting, which lasted almost an hour and a half, was held in a positive atmosphere. In particular, the President of Corfu Tourist Accommodation Owners Federation Pericles Katsaros, the President of Corfu Hoteliers' Association Babis Voulgaris, the Pressident of AOCTA (Association of Corfu Travel Agents) Spyros Halikiopoulos and the President of Corfu Trade Association Kostas Mouzakitis were all present at the meeting, along with officials of the Ministry.
The four bodies talked about the problems that have arisen regarding the School of Tourism due to the lack of staffing and pointed out the necessity of continuing its operation and its contribution to specialised staff. It should be noted that the bodies had held a press conference a few days ago regarding the rescue of the School of Tourism, while they had, also, sent a letter to Mr. Kikilias, where they stated the serious problems and asked for solutions regarding the recruitment of permanent staff.
In fact, Corfu ND MP Stefanos Gikas conveyed to the Minister the tourism bodies’ request to meet with him – a request which Mr. Kikilias accepted. The Presidents of the Corfu bodies thanked Mr. Kikilias for his immediate response and expressed their satisfaction with the plan presented to them. They also stressed that the issue regarding the continuation of the school’s operation is of primary importance, not only for the tourism, but also for the island as a whole.
After the end of the meeting, the bodies pointed out that they share a common goal with the Tourism Minister – to strengthen the island’s tourism product and improve the overall services provided. “The meeting was held in a positive atmosphere and assurances were given by the Ministry for the continuation of the School of Tourism’s operation, as well as its vision for it. We are waiting to see these commitments being put into action,” Mr. Voulgaris told Enimerosi.