Wednesday 12.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

΄Old΄ Philharmonic Society: "We΄ll stay at home but will still keep our tradition alive"

16 Apr 2020 / 14:55

CORFU. The much-loved music associated with Good Friday and Easter Saturday will be heard tonight from the speakers outside the ΄Old΄ Philharmonic Society building and the traditional Thursday night rehearsal will be online.

"We'll stay at home but will still keep our tradition alive" is the 'Old' Philharmonic Society's slogan this Easter.

Society statement:

"Thursday 16th April

Members of the 'Old' Philharmonic Society will be staying at home but will also be keeping our tradition alive.

This year the traditional Thursday night rehearsal will be taking place online. The preparations for Good Friday and Easter Saturday will include the much-loved pieces A Mother's Pain, Adagio and Amleto.

The rehearsal will be heard from speakers outside our building as happened on Palm Sunday.

The rehearsal takes place at 21:00 on Thursday 16 April."