
Corfu Town΄s Philharmonic Bands take legal action to protect uniform designs
CORFU. They have taken this action in order to combat the trafficking of counterfeit products imitating their uniforms for commercial gain - Commercial enterprises have been notified ahead of Easter events.

16 philharmonic bands perform new song by Christos Georgopetris
CORFU. The composer captured footage from some of the bands, while obtaining permission from others to use footage from their archives, resulting in an aesthetically pleasing outcome.

Town philharmonic bands perform traditional concerts for St. Spyridon again following pandemic
CORFU. Following the restrictions over the last two years the three Corfu Town philharmonic bands put on their traditional performances again at the bandstand.

΄Old΄ Philharmonic Society: "We΄ll stay at home but will still keep our tradition alive"
CORFU. The much-loved music associated with Good Friday and Easter Saturday will be heard tonight from the speakers outside the ΄Old΄ Philharmonic Society building and the traditional Thursday night rehearsal will be online.

Corfu conductor at annual school band festival ΄Northern Festival of Bands 2020΄ in Iowa
CORFU. Corfu conductor Michalis Michalopoulos was in Iowa to conduct three concerts at the Northern Festival of Bands 13 - 15 February.

World Music Day in Corfu: The ΄sirtaki΄ as you΄ve never heard it before!
CORFU. All day yesterday groups of musicians from the island΄s Philharmonic Societies performed in various central locations.

Spectacular Palm Sunday in Corfu with the town bands parading together
CORFU. Following the Palm Sunday procession there was a spectacular parade with over 500 musicians from all the town΄s bands.

Spectacular Palm Sunday in Corfu with the town bands parading together
CORFU. Following the Palm Sunday procession there was a spectacular parade with over 500 musicians from all the town΄s bands.

2nd joint philharmonic concert in Acharavi
CORFU. The Philharmonic Bands from Thinalaio and Trikalon will come together on Saturday 31st March at 18:00 in the Municipal Building Square for an open rehearsal on Acharavi main road.

Palm Sunday: All three philharmonic bands on parade together
CORFU. For the first time in 20 years. See the parade route here.