
Ai Matthaios Philharmonic Society festive concert
CORFU. The New Year΄s Cake will also be cut at the event.

Kinopiastes Philharmonic Society concert on 6th January
CORFU. The concert will be followed by the cutting of the New Year΄s Cake.

Sound of Music concert - ΄Capodistrias΄ Philharmonic Society
CORFU. At the Municipal Theatre on Sunday 29 December at 20:00/

Korakiana Philharmonic Society programme of Christmas events
CORFU. 20-25 December.

Thinalia Philharmonic Band festive concert on 23 December
CORFU. "Christmas with Music"

΄Old΄ Philharmonic Society Christmas concerts 20 & 22 December
CORFU. Admission free.

΄Mantzaros΄ Philharmonic Society pupils΄ concert on 18 December
CORFU. The Schools of Wind Instruments and Percussion will be participating.

Gastouri Philharmonic Society Christmas event
CORFU. On Sunday 15 December at 17:00.

Korakiana ΄Spyros Samaras΄ Philharmonic Society concerts in Serbia
CORFU. Concerts in three cities.

΄Mantzaros΄ Philharmonic Society Musicology seminar - 23 November
CORFU. Admission free

΄Old΄ Philharmonic Light Orchestra concert on 29 August
CORFU. The evening will be dedicated to the longtime conductor Antonis Daglis.

΄Capodistrias΄ Philharmonic Society concert dedicated to San Remo Festival songs
CORFU. Saturday 10 August at the Old Fortress.

Sinarades Philharmonic Society concert
CORFU. At the Municipal Theatre on Sunday 3 March at 20:30.

Corfu Town΄s Philharmonic Bands take legal action to protect uniform designs
CORFU. They have taken this action in order to combat the trafficking of counterfeit products imitating their uniforms for commercial gain - Commercial enterprises have been notified ahead of Easter events.

Gastouri ΄Omonia΄ Philharmonic Society dance event
CORFU. Saturday 24 February at 18:00.

16 philharmonic bands perform new song by Christos Georgopetris
CORFU. The composer captured footage from some of the bands, while obtaining permission from others to use footage from their archives, resulting in an aesthetically pleasing outcome.