Saturday 06.07.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Will we be seeing police tow trucks more often?

illegal parking
11 Nov 2019 / 12:37

CORFU. Perhaps Corfu Traffic Police needs to step things up a bit as illegal parking in town has gone from bad to worse.

On Monday morning police towed away a car that was illegally parked near San Rocco Square. The driver decided to park on Giorgiou Theotoki St. near the junction with Alexandras Avenue.

Cars park there on a daily basis - whether it's just for a few minutes or a longer period of time - with drivers believing that they can park wherever they want and wherever suits them in Corfu. Without any second thoughts, without caring about problems created by illegal parking and without any shame.

At a recent press conference representatives from Corfu Police and the Traffic Police said that they didn't want to play the role of the 'punisher' but rather to encourage and support the public.

To do that, however, there has to be goodwill from the public but Corfiots, of course, find it difficult to abide by laws and regulations.

There are plenty of examples and Enimerosi will regularly remind the authorities that perhaps the tow truck needs to be used more often. Because it's all very well to encourage and support but, unfortunately, sometimes you have to punish as well! Especially those who blatantly ignore the laws and by their actions obstruct the smooth functioning of life in the town.

The photo below was taken today - at the same time as the police truck was towing away the illegally parked car in San Rocco.

A few hundred metres along Alexandras Avenue there is a bus stop opposite the Maraslio Town Hall. According to the law (Article 34 in the Highway Code), it is illegal to park within 12 metres of a bus stop.

So okay, you say, it's difficult to find parking space in Corfu Town - maybe you can ignore someone parking 4 - 5 metres away. But for it to become perfectly acceptable for someone to park right at the bus stop, where the bus has to stop and let people on and off, is something that can in no way be considered 'acceptable'.

But this is just one example of what happens every day. And not only at bus stops - people park on special needs ramps and pedestrian crossings and there is even triple parking (just take a look at Methodiou St.).

So, we would just like to remind the Traffic Police that there is a tow truck in Corfu that tow away offenders. Just try to use it a bit more often - there's plenty of work to keep it occupied!