Sunday 29.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

North Corfu Municipality blocks renaming of Central Corfu Municipality

North Corfu
31 Oct 2019 / 08:32

CORFU. The renaming of the Central Corfu Municipality as Corfiot Municipality was discussed at the North Corfu Municipal Council meeting.

It was decided that the Central Corfu Municipal Council should be asked to suspend its decision for the time being. There were 17 votes in favour and 10 abstentions.

In the meantime, according to the North Corfu Municipal Council President, the decision will be sent to the Decentralised Administration and the Council of State as both bodies will by law be asked to advise on the matter. A lawyer will also be sent to the Council of State to put forward the arguments against the renaming.

Their basic argument is that the Central Corfu Municipality is no longer made up of the urban network that was traditionally called the Corfiot Municipality but now also includes areas that didn't have that name.

Source: ERT