Sunday 06.10.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Illegal use of the sealed Temploni cell - new lawsuits

05 Aug 2019 / 08:37

CORFU. Temploni residents have discovered another violation of environmental regulations.

Yet again, the Solid Waste Management Association (SYDISA), faced with a lack of space in which to deposit waste bales, has made use of the old sealed-off cell. A photo from a drone shows the small white pyramid on top of the so-called 'mountain'.

The cell was sealed-off by order of the Ionian Islands Regional Administration in July 2018 following the court decision against the Mayor of Corfu Kostas Nikolouzos and the SYDISA President and Deputy Mayor for Cleansing Spyros Aspiotis for attempting to deposit waste at Cell B in the landfill.

This recent incident highlights the fact that the huge waste problem that the island has been struggling with for years won't be solved by the emergency contracting out of refuse collection - which will only serve to remove the refuse that has been collecting on the roads and creating a negative international image of Corfu. There is no (legal) place for the refuse to go! The small plot of land belonging to the Brotherhood Charity filled up very quickly and the purchase of the 52-stremma piece of land has still not been completed. SYDISA is walking a tightrope, violating the environmental regulations and basically buying time until the bureaucracy can be dealt with.

All the board members of Temploni Cultural Society were informed of the violation on 1 August and visited the landfill. There they found that waste bales have been placed at the top of the mountain - which is strictly prohibited by law. The police were called to make note of the fact and the Society then filed lawsuits against the SYDISA board members, the responsible engineer and all other responsible persons. The lawsuits will be passed on to the Corfu Prosecutor.

Temploni Cultural Society published the photos on its Facebook Page and posted the following: "On Thursday morning we discovered that there has been ILLEGAL depositing of waste bales at the overstaurated cell in Temploni landfill, the use of which has been prohibited since July 2018 by order of the Ionian Islands Regional Governor Theodoros Galiatsatos.

We are reporting the violation of this decision by SYDISA, who have been depositing waste bales illegally at the landfill cell.

We would like to let the Corfu public know that our organisation has, as ever, been keeping a watchful eye on the situation in order to prevent illegal practices in the management of waste putting all our lives in danger. We have shown that whosoever does this will face the consequences and once again we have filed lawsuits against SYDISA board members, the responsible engineer and all other responsible persons.

We are prepared to take any necessary legal action if the illegal depositing of waste bales at Cells A, B and C continues."

The other Temploni Society - 'Panagia Sparmiotissa' - published a similar post on Facebook:

"Following our visit to the landfill where we confirmed that those responsible are continuing their illegal actions. Actions which are to the detriment of Temploni and the wider Ropa Valley area - waste bales are being deposited at the cell and the area has been set up to receive the bales without the necessary legal permission. On Friday 2 August we reported Mr. Aspiotis and all those responsible.

Our Society promises residents of Temploni and the Ropa Valley area that we will keep continuous watch and will take any necessary legal action against illegal practices that take place at the landfill."