"All Together for the Corfu Environment" - The new reciprocal recycling kiosks are coming

reciprocal recycling
21 Mar 2019
/ 09:59
CORFU. Spyros Neratzis from the Social Cooperative Enterprise "All Together for the Corfu Environment" held a press conference on Thursday.
Along with fellow member Ioanna Georgota he announced the commencement of the collaborative agreement with the company Reciprocal Recycling S.A. Mr. Neratzis said, "We started as a voluntary group and this was one of our basic aims, which is now becoming a reality at this critical period of time in Corfu." He added that the project had the support of the local authority and the local council, who voted for the proposal.
On Thursday 28 March at 20:00 there will be a presentation to professionals, businesses, organizations, associations and other bodies at Corfu Chamber of Commerce to explain the proper, organized way of sorting waste before it is sent to processing facilities outside Corfu.
Spyros Neratzis' statement:
"On 8 March 2019 the Social Cooperative Enterprise "All Together for the Corfu Environment" signed a collaborative agreement with Reciprocal Recycling for the organized and systematic collection of recyclable materials and their transportation out of Corfu.
We started as a voluntary group trying to provide immediate solutions for these issues that are not allowing Corfu to 'rise' and this was one of our basic aims - which is now becoming a reality at this critical period of time in Corfu
It involves the implementation of modern methods of recycling and encouraging the public to help deal with the problem of waste management on the island.
We need to point out the positive response of the Local Authority and the Town Council to the commencement of the National Collective Systems for Alternative Management of Packaging - Reciprocal Recycling - the approval of the Town Council was essential for the agreement between the Municipality and Reciprocal Recycling to be signed. The agreement calls for the collection of packaging from catering and leisure establishments, sports organizations and other public places in the special recycling bins as well as the setting up of three 3-stream Reciprocal Recycling Centres where members of the public can take recyclable materials and receive a reward (for every 33 packaging items they receive 1 Euro for purchases or to donate to a charity or welfare organization).
To ensure the success of the project an extensive, well-organized collection network needs to be set up.
We need to come together as a community with no bad feelings and all together - cultural societies, professional organizations and other bodies, members of the public - work together for the future of our island. There is no time to be wasted for familiarisation trips to facilities, which should already have been done, in search of solutions to the problem.
The solution will come systematically, step-by-step in each neighbourhood, house and village with organized recycling based on modern methods. Proper information, however, needs to be provided and for that reason on Thursday 28 March at 20:00 there will be a presentation at Corfu Chamber of Commerce for professionals, businesses, organizations, associations and other bodies to explain the proper, organized way of sorting waste before it is sent to processing facilities outside Corfu.
Enough time has been wasted. Help us to 'lift Corfu'. We would also like to mention that a similar agreement was signed by another Social Cooperative Enterprise 'Ariti' represented by Nikos Perros."
On Thursday 28 March at 20:00 there will be a presentation to professionals, businesses, organizations, associations and other bodies at Corfu Chamber of Commerce to explain the proper, organized way of sorting waste before it is sent to processing facilities outside Corfu.
Spyros Neratzis' statement:
"On 8 March 2019 the Social Cooperative Enterprise "All Together for the Corfu Environment" signed a collaborative agreement with Reciprocal Recycling for the organized and systematic collection of recyclable materials and their transportation out of Corfu.
We started as a voluntary group trying to provide immediate solutions for these issues that are not allowing Corfu to 'rise' and this was one of our basic aims - which is now becoming a reality at this critical period of time in Corfu
It involves the implementation of modern methods of recycling and encouraging the public to help deal with the problem of waste management on the island.
We need to point out the positive response of the Local Authority and the Town Council to the commencement of the National Collective Systems for Alternative Management of Packaging - Reciprocal Recycling - the approval of the Town Council was essential for the agreement between the Municipality and Reciprocal Recycling to be signed. The agreement calls for the collection of packaging from catering and leisure establishments, sports organizations and other public places in the special recycling bins as well as the setting up of three 3-stream Reciprocal Recycling Centres where members of the public can take recyclable materials and receive a reward (for every 33 packaging items they receive 1 Euro for purchases or to donate to a charity or welfare organization).
To ensure the success of the project an extensive, well-organized collection network needs to be set up.
We need to come together as a community with no bad feelings and all together - cultural societies, professional organizations and other bodies, members of the public - work together for the future of our island. There is no time to be wasted for familiarisation trips to facilities, which should already have been done, in search of solutions to the problem.
The solution will come systematically, step-by-step in each neighbourhood, house and village with organized recycling based on modern methods. Proper information, however, needs to be provided and for that reason on Thursday 28 March at 20:00 there will be a presentation at Corfu Chamber of Commerce for professionals, businesses, organizations, associations and other bodies to explain the proper, organized way of sorting waste before it is sent to processing facilities outside Corfu.
Enough time has been wasted. Help us to 'lift Corfu'. We would also like to mention that a similar agreement was signed by another Social Cooperative Enterprise 'Ariti' represented by Nikos Perros."