Temploni Cultural Society challenges all local political candidates to answer questions on waste management

waste management
14 Mar 2019
/ 11:42
CORFU. It asks all of them to let the Corfu public know what their programme is for the major problem on the island.
Our Society has questions for all the candidates in the upcoming local elections that need to be answered not only for the benefit of the Corfu general public but especially for Temploni residents as waste management plans - without our being included in the decision - involve our area.
In Austria the cost of waste management is 35€ per ton. How much is it in Corfu?
Questions about recycling:
1. What is included in your programme as regards the implementation of sorting at source?
2. What will be the recycling and composting percentage in the next two years and what is the timeline for their implementation?
3. Do you commit yourselves to publishing monthly quantity and quality figures for mixed waste, recycling, compost and collection of recyclable materials?
4. In your programme when do you see "Those who pollute pay" being implemented?
5. What is the cost of waste management per ton and what do you see it as being when your programmes have been implemented?
Questions regarding the waste management facility:
1. Why will the construction of the facility cost 5 times what it does elswhere in Europe - e.g. in Spain, 23,000,000 Euros for 123,000 tons?
2. What will be the cost per ton once it starts operating?
3. Will its operations be compatible with the community recycling guidelines - 50% by 2020 and 65% by 2024?
4. Will there be a guranteed minimum quantity and for how many years?
5. Will there be plans for it to be converted into a recycling facility after 2024?
6. What guarantees are there that it won't operate in competition with recycling?
What incentives will there be for the public to actively participate in sorting at source and what fines?
Finally, what human resources and equipment will be provided for the relevant services?
In Austria the cost of waste management is 35€ per ton. How much is it in Corfu?
Questions about recycling:
1. What is included in your programme as regards the implementation of sorting at source?
2. What will be the recycling and composting percentage in the next two years and what is the timeline for their implementation?
3. Do you commit yourselves to publishing monthly quantity and quality figures for mixed waste, recycling, compost and collection of recyclable materials?
4. In your programme when do you see "Those who pollute pay" being implemented?
5. What is the cost of waste management per ton and what do you see it as being when your programmes have been implemented?
Questions regarding the waste management facility:
1. Why will the construction of the facility cost 5 times what it does elswhere in Europe - e.g. in Spain, 23,000,000 Euros for 123,000 tons?
2. What will be the cost per ton once it starts operating?
3. Will its operations be compatible with the community recycling guidelines - 50% by 2020 and 65% by 2024?
4. Will there be a guranteed minimum quantity and for how many years?
5. Will there be plans for it to be converted into a recycling facility after 2024?
6. What guarantees are there that it won't operate in competition with recycling?
What incentives will there be for the public to actively participate in sorting at source and what fines?
Finally, what human resources and equipment will be provided for the relevant services?