Friday 20.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Deputy Regional Governor΄s response to the ΄fake news΄ about the traffic island in Solari

10 Jan 2019 / 08:58

CORFU. There will be one continuous traffic island from Ekati to Platytera - there are no ΄arrangements΄ with shop owners.

The Deputy Regional Governor for Corfu Nikoletta Pandi and Deputy Regional Governor for Energy and the Environment Sakis Tsoukas issued a joint statement in which they stated categorically that the rumours that they had come to an 'arrangement' with some shop owners not to build traffic islands in front of their shops was fake news. They made it clear that in the work being carried out on the Eth. Palaiokastritsa Rd. (Solari) "there will be one continuous traffic island from Ekati to Platytera".


There has been a lot of talk recently about the work being carried out on the Eth. Palaiokastritsa Rd. There has been fake news - either deliberate or due to ignorance - saying that we are coming to 'arrangements' with some shop owners and we would like to make the following clear to the public:

Invitations for tender were issued on 30/11/18 for the construction of kerbs and paving of the remaining central traffic island in Eth. Palaiokastritsa Rd. This can be accessed online at the National Public Contracts System.

We would like to inform the public that this contract is for one continuous traffic island from Ekati to Platytera. The deadline for submission of tenders was 21/12/18 and they were opened on 27/12/18. A temporary list of bidders has been drawn up and we are waiting in case there are any objections before the contractor is chosen.

We would like to remind everyone that this project had started, as everyone knows, about 15 years ago and, for those that don't know, we were in danger of being fined 10m Euros by the EU. The original study didn't include a single continuous traffic island - only in certain sections - and because we had a strict time limit we couldn't change this. So we immediately proceeded with an additional invitation for tenders in order to construct a single continuous central traffic island from Platytera to the Potamos junction (an extra 1km of traffic island).

So the 'fact' that the Regional Administration has come to an arrangement with some shop owners not to build traffic islands in front of their businesses is fake news which, unfortunately, has been spread by several sources.

We believe that this statement will make it clear to everyone that these rumours aim to mislead the public and hope that the fake news will cease immediately.