Friday 07.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

΄Save Corfu΄: Rally at the Town Hall (Marasleion) on Friday

24 May 2018 / 10:08

CORFU. Cry of anguish about the refuse problem from the Corfu Citizens Group.

Call to Action from the Corfu Citizens Group

It is with great anguish that we see the deadlock that the problem of waste management has come to. The island is suffocating in rubbish and no positive development can be seen on the horizon.

As citizens we can't offer a solution.

What we can do is, with one voice, shout out SAVE CORFU!

On Friday 25th May at 11:00 we will gather outside Marasleion (Town Hall) in a rally-cry of anguish for our Corfu that is being destroyed.

We don't want to place blame or to 'point out the guilty ones' because we believe the responsibility is a long-term one. We ask all the local organizations to come together, setting aside political affiliations to find a SOLUTION NOW!

Corfu 24/5/18
Corfu Citizens