Friday 20.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Residents block access to Temploni landfill and press charges

waste management
18 May 2018 / 09:15

CORFU. Members of Temploni Cultural Society will be pressing charges - most likely today (Friday) - against the Solid Waste Management Union (SYDISA) all other persons responsible for the operation of the landfill facility.

They came to this decision following their visit to the Prosecutor's office, where they lodged complaints about the illegal operation of the facility at the risk to public health. This was also confirmed by the Regional Environmental Service, yet again, when they reported on conditions a few days ago.

At present, with the baling contractor no longer under contract and the baling unit surrounded by waste bales, the refuse is dumped on the huge mountains of waste that have built up where even a superficial covering with soil is almost impossible.

On Thursday night the Mayor visited the site in a desperate and unsuccessful attempt to defuse the reactions of the residents. The discussion remained civil but residents are determined not to allow the situation to continue. As a result piles of uncollected refuse are beginning to gather again throughout the island.