Tuesday 24.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ


22 Nov 2023 / 13:14
Composters and healthy eating at Kavadades Nursery, Sfakera Childcare Centre and 2nd Special School

CORFU. The installation of composters in North Corfu school facilities is being carried out in collaboration with the Deputy Mayor for Circular Economy, Spyridoula Kokkali, the Regional Director of Education, Petros Aggelopoulos, Corfu Primary and Secondary Education Directorate, and, of course, with the school heads.

22 Nov 2023 / 12:27
Unanimous ΄no΄ to wind turbines in the Diapontia Islands from the Central Corfu Municipal Council

CORFU. The content of the proposal put forward by Deputy Mayor for Othoni, Mimis Katehis, and the additions proposed by Laiki Sispirosi and Giorgos Kaloudis.

22 Nov 2023 / 11:02
Removal of waste bales from Mesorachi at a standstill

CORFU. The Ionian Islands Solid Waste Management Organisation (FODSA) awaiting additional funding to remove the last bales to the Palairo landfill.

22 Nov 2023 / 10:17
Self-employed professionals on streets today protesting against tax legislation

CORFU. Shops closed 12:00-14:30 - No taxis - Accounting offices closed.

21 Nov 2023 / 20:43
First meeting of Local Action Groups of ΄Let΄s Go Circular΄ and ΄Re-Gen΄ projects

CORFU. In the framework of the Capodistrian Development΄s participation in the European ΄URBACT IV΄ Programme.

21 Nov 2023 / 14:09
Accounting offices closed on Wednesday

CORFU. Corfu Professional Accountants΄ Association (SELKE) is participating in the nationwide strike and protestss of Scientific and Professional Organisations on Wednesday, November 22.

21 Nov 2023 / 14:01
Batteries stolen from four South Corfu municipal rubbish trucks

CORFU. Today΄s incident adds to the ongoing saga of the recent (non) waste collection in South Corfu.

21 Nov 2023 / 14:41
Parked cars in Mantouki obstruct fire engine yet again

CORFU. Fortunately, smaller vehicles were able to quickly get the fire under control.

20 Nov 2023 / 21:30
Ionian Islands Region΄s digital transition begins from transport services

CORFU. Through digitisation, the service time for services provided by physical presence will be reduced to 1/3 of the time required today.

20 Nov 2023 / 17:36
Crew laying fibre optic cables burst water pipe

CORFU. Water came gushing out on Eth. Achillion Rd.

20 Nov 2023 / 19:40
Corfu Trade Association to take part in protest on Wednesday 22 November

CORFU. Corfu Trade Association: Retail market is already being controlled through ΄My data΄ - It should be excluded from the tax bill.

20 Nov 2023 / 13:52
South Corfu still full of uncollected rubbish

CORFU. Outgoing mayor Kostas Lessis has written to the government.

20 Nov 2023 / 11:15
Cyanotype exhibition by Kontokali school pupils

CORFU. From 21 November until 5 December at Plus bookshop.

20 Nov 2023 / 11:32
First solo exhibition in China for Corfu artist Spyros Gelekas

CORFU. His journeys to Asia began in 2018 with participation in group exhibitions alongside famous artists.

20 Nov 2023 / 11:18
Acharavi Mixed Choir in Limassol, Cyprus

CORFU. The concert featured works by Mikis Theodorakis with the poetry of Giorgos Seferis and Angelos Sikelianos, accompanied by the Aris Limassol orchestra, as well as songs of various content and origin.

18 Nov 2023 / 11:28
Corfu Airport closing on Tuesday for work on runway to be carried out

CORFU. There will be no flights to or from the airport during the periods 21/11 - 4/12 and 16/1 - 29/1.

17 Nov 2023 / 21:06
Phaeaces District receives €2m from former Club Med land

CORFU. The amount was determined by decision of the Decentralised Administration and is intended to be used for infrastructure projects and renovations in the wider area.

17 Nov 2023 / 20:47
Reactions to the Waste Transfer Station in South Corfu

CORFU. They are protesting about its creation near homes, without the necessary specifications.