
Agros Wave: School music festival organised by Agros Junior and High Schools
CORFU. A festival where pupils are the protagonists and which they, themselves, and not the adults, plan.

Concert with Ionian Islands music
At the Municipal Theatre on Saturday, 30 September at 20:00.

Corfu Music School calling on public to join protest for school buses
CORFU. Mass protest demonstration on Tuesday 26 September at 11:00 at the former Prefecture building. A press conference will follow at 12:00.

Music education for infants and toddlers by Ionian University Music Department
CORFU. In collaboration with the Corfu branch of the Hellenic Society for Social Pediatrics and Health Promotion and the Corfu Surgical Association.

Two arrests in Corfu for playing music outwith times allowed

Return of previous music time limit in Corfu Old Town
CORFU. The Committee has accepted the appeal against the Decentralised Administration΄s decision that had vindicated the Central Corfu Municipality for deciding to extend the music hours.

Six arrested in Corfu at weekend for noise pollution and playing music outwith times allowed
CORFU. A total of eleven people were arrested in Corfu, Zakynthos and Lefkada for playing music outwith the times allowed, noise pollution and disturbing the peace.

Four arrests for noise pollution and disturbing the peace
CORFU. In Corfu, Zakynthos and Cephalonia.

Four arrested in Corfu and Zakynthos for disturbing the peace and playing music outwith times allowed
CORFU. Police are continuing their checks on catering establishments.

Central Corfu Municipality and Ionian University celebrate World Music Day
CORFU. Two music events on Wednesday 21 June.

"Ageless Women" - an event dedicated to women
CORFU. The event took place in the Old Palace Colonnade as part of the World Music Day celebrations.

Korakiana Philharmonic Society celebrating World Music Day
CORFU. Wednesday, 21 June at 19:30 at Agios Georgios Church in Ano Korakiana.

Committee cancels extension to hours during which music can be played
CORFU. Four permanent residents and Giorgos Kaloudis΄ party appealed to committee.

Corfu Culture, Sports and Environment Association΄s event for World Music Day
CORFU. "The event is a protest that expresses in a special way the disgust, injustice and anger for what has been happening to women worldwide in recent years".

Ionian University Department of Music 30th anniversary
CORFU. Many of the department΄s graduates excel in their academic careers at reputable universities in Greece and abroad.

Four arrests for playing music outwith hours allowed
CORFU. Four business owners were arrested in Corfu Town.

16th Faculty of Music & Audiovisual Arts Photography Exhibition
CORFU. The selection and arrangement of the images that make up the exhibition have been made collectively, through the collaboration of the participants.

Corfu Music School takes part in ΄Xanthi: City of Dreams΄ Festival
CORFU. 1,200 pupils played music by Manos Hadzidakis in Xanthi central square.