Saturday 27.07.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ


09 Jul 2024 / 09:37
΄Le Tablao de Tango΄, 11th SEVEN Festival 2024 …the Ionian Islands festival!

CORFU. At the Old Fortress on Tuesday 23 July at 21:30.

08 Jul 2024 / 11:12
2nd Choir Festival in Loutses

CORFU. Saturday 13 July at 21:00.

25 Jun 2024 / 15:44
25th International Dance Group Festival ΄Sinies 2024΄

CORFU. On Wednesday 3rd July, outside Acharavi Town Hall, on Friday 5th July in Corfu Town in the Colonnade of the Palace of St. George and St. Michael, and on Saturday 6th July at Sinies Olive Press. The start time for the events is 21:00.

21 Jun 2024 / 14:57
Where and when traditional ΄Lampata΄ festivals will be held

CORFU. ΄Lampata΄ will be celebrated in many Corfu villages as well as in the town. Traditional ΄Lampatines΄, full of children΄s joyful faces! Bring your wreaths along with your brightest smile!

21 Jun 2024 / 14:55
11th Traditional Folklore Festival in Acharavi

CORFU. Sunday 23 June at 20:30.

19 Jun 2024 / 11:15
Festival of children΄s and teenagers΄ theatre from Thimeli Theatre Workshop

CORFU. Chrysa Pantsiou is directing the performances.

10 Jun 2024 / 09:18
8th Fuego Colour Festival in Corfu on 15 June

CORFU. The festival will take place in Lower Square on Saturday 15 June at 19:00.

27 May 2024 / 09:44
"The Serbs in Corfu" event last night

CORFU. The Corfu Food & Wine Festival is being hosted for the 6th consecutive year in Corfu, offering the public a multifaceted experience of flavours and cultural exchanges based on sustainability.

24 May 2024 / 14:19
"The Serbs in Corfu"

CORFU. The event on Sunday 26 May is part of the 6th Corfu Food & Wine Festival.

24 May 2024 / 11:00
17th Festival of Audiovisual Arts opens in People΄s Garden

CORFU. Corfu Town is filled with images and sounds from the festivals΄ rich programme of artistic and educational activities.

23 May 2024 / 16:55
Corfu Tantra Festival in Arillas, 26-31 May

CORFU. Exercises, movement, breathwork, dance, tantric practices, massage, cacao ceremony, live music.

23 May 2024 / 14:09
Event: ΄The mushroom - fruit of the forest and elixir of health΄

CORFU. Friday 24 May at 19:00 at Corfu Scout Hall, Faliraki. The event is part of the 6th Corfu Food & Winw Festival.

22 May 2024 / 12:05
17th Audiovisual Arts Festival

CORFU. The Festival is celebrating the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Department of Audio & Visual Arts at the Ionian University.

18 Apr 2024 / 15:50
13th Pupils΄ Digital Creation Festival begins

CORFU. More than 300 pupils will participate in the event, while works from many regions of Greece will be showcased.

17 Apr 2024 / 12:30
Capodistrias Museum taking part in Corfu Garden Festival

CORFU. Guided tours are open to the public and no registration is required. Times: 12:00 (in Greek) and 14:00 (in English). Duration of the tour: 1 hour.

06 Apr 2024 / 15:26
Corfu Garden Festival 19-28 April

CORFU. The Corfu Garden Festival originated in 2018 as the Corfu Open Gardens Weekend, taking place in spring and autumn and started by Rachel Weaving and Alithea Johns.

27 Mar 2024 / 13:57
25th Corfu Folklore Festival took place last weekend

CORFU. "Culture is not just the ΄consumption΄ of events, but the meaningful participation in activities, in the struggle for contemporary needs, for everyday life and quality of life."

20 Mar 2024 / 13:34
25th Corfu Folklore Festival 22-24 March at Municipal Theatre

CORFU. According to the organisers, 47 dance groups will be participating in the Festival, which is the largest cultural gathering on the island.