Saturday 21.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ


30 Mar 2020 / 09:56
The Government΄s new economic measures for the coronavirus crisis

ATHENS. A new plan to stimulate the Greek economy in April and tackle the consequences of coronavirus was announced today.

20 Mar 2020 / 10:06
Who will receive the 800 Euro benefit - Easter bonus will be paid in full

ATHENS. The third package of economic measures was announced by the Ministers for Finance, Development and Employment Christos Staikouras, Adonis Giorgiades and Yiannis Vroutsas.

18 Mar 2020 / 13:21
800 Euros for employees without work due to business closures. See all the support measures

ATHENS. Finance Minister Christos Staikouras announced new measures to support the economy and businesses.

06 Mar 2020 / 18:16
What’s on (Exhibitions-Theatre-Events)

CORFU. Find out what΄s on in Corfu this weekend.

28 Feb 2020 / 18:23
What’s on (Exhibitions-Theatre-Events)

CORFU. Find out what΄s on in Corfu this weekend.

28 Feb 2020 / 14:15
΄Old΄ Philharmonic Society Youth Band concert postponed indefinitely

CORFU. Following the unanimous decision of the Society Board.

21 Feb 2020 / 16:41
What’s on (Exhibitions-Theatre-Events)

CORFU. Find out what΄s on in Corfu this weekend.

17 Feb 2020 / 09:51
Corfu conductor at annual school band festival ΄Northern Festival of Bands 2020΄ in Iowa

CORFU. Corfu conductor Michalis Michalopoulos was in Iowa to conduct three concerts at the Northern Festival of Bands 13 - 15 February.

14 Feb 2020 / 14:02
What’s on (Exhibitions-Theatre-Events)

CORFU. Find out what΄s on in Corfu this weekend.

26 Feb 2020 / 00:00
Ionian Conservatory Percussion Ensemble concert

CORFU. Wednesday 26 February at 20:00.

15 Feb 2020 / 00:00
Capodistrias and Nafplion Philharmonic Bands in concert together at the Municipal Theatre

CORFU. Capodistrias Philharmonic Band and Nafplion Philharmonic Band will be performing together.

23 Feb 2020 / 00:00
΄Old΄ Philharmonic Society Youth Band ΄Rock and Pop Concert΄

CORFU. The ΄Old΄ Philharmonic Society Youth Band will be performing its traditional concert at the Municipal Theatre.

11 Feb 2020 / 09:56
Corfu musician Nikos Metallinos performs in St. Petersburg with top conductor Theodoros Kourentzis

CORFU. Nikos Metallinos performed in a concert at St. Petersburg΄s largest theatre - the Marinsky Theatre.

07 Feb 2020 / 15:08
What’s on (Exhibitions-Theatre-Events)

CORFU. Find out what΄s on in Corfu this weekend.

21 Feb 2020 / 00:00
Eleftheria Arvanitaki live at EPTA Arts Centre

CORFU. Eleftheria Arvanitaki is returning to Corfu for one live performance at EPTA Arts Centre.

12 Feb 2020 / 00:00
University Audiovisual Arts Dept: Concert ΄Salt Itinerary΄ by Miguel and Paula Azguime

CORFU. The University Audiovisual Arts Department is hosting a concert ΄Salt Itinerary΄ with Miguel and Paula Azguime.

31 Jan 2020 / 15:14
What’s on (Exhibitions-Theatre-Events)

CORFU. Find out what΄s on in Corfu this weekend.

08 Feb 2020 / 00:00
΄Capodistrias΄ Philharmonic Youth Band concert

CORFU. ΄Capodistrias΄ Philharmonic Society Youth Band will be putting on its traditional winter concert.