Tuesday 08.10.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ


09 Jan 2019 / 00:00
Art Exhibition: "Moments in Time" by Stefanos Gasteratos at Corfu Art Gallery

CORFU. The exhibition "Moments in Time" by Stefanos Gasteratos is opening on Wednesday 9 January at 19:00 at the Corfu Art Gallery.

06 Jan 2019 / 00:00
Kinopiastes Philharmonic Society: Celebratory concert and cutting of New Year΄s Cake

CORFU. Kinopiastes Philharmonic Society will be holding a celebratory concert on Sunday 6 January at 19:00.

03 Jan 2019 / 00:00
΄Escape Room΄ (100΄) at the Orfeas

CORFU. Sci-Fi mystery film directed by Adam Robitel.

24 Dec 2018 / 14:18
No refuse collection on Christmas Day and New Year΄s Day

CORFU. Corfu Municipal Cleansing and Recycling Service has made the following public announcement:

20 Dec 2018 / 00:00
Open meeting about recycling in Kavos

CORFU. Lefkimmi Cultural Society invites all organizations, businesses, workers and residents of Kavos to an open meeting about recycling.

08 Dec 2018 / 10:32
Municipality urges people to sort at source

CORFU. The Municipal Cleansing Services issued a public announcement in which it says it aims to reduce the amount of waste going to Temploni and increase recycling.

07 Dec 2018 / 10:12
No more waste to be deposited at landfill until Lefkimmi representatives have another meeting at the Ministry of the Interior

ATHENS. This time the Mayor, Regional Governor and SYDISA representatives will be present.

06 Dec 2018 / 11:48
Council of State: Another 2,000 tons of waste can be taken to Lefkimmi landfill

ATHENS. The Council of State has given the green light for the transportation of waste bales to Lefkimmi to continue.

08 Dec 2018 / 00:00
General meeting about the creation of a Green Spot in Agios Athanasios

CORFU. Agios Athanasios Local District will be holding a meeting on Saturday 8 December at 18:00.

27 Nov 2018 / 11:30
An idea from Denmark that could be used for Temploni landfill - we΄ve certainly got the mountains for it!

CORFU. An article in Corriere della Sera about the ΄designer΄ waste incinerator in Copenhagen has been doing the rounds on the internet.

22 Nov 2018 / 12:56
Time is limited but the Corfu Integrated Waste Management Facility is eligible for funding

CORFU. There were reassurances from sources reporting to the local authority regarding funding for the construction of an Integrated Waste Management Facility in Temploni as announced on Monday.

21 Nov 2018 / 07:40
Integrated Waste Management Facility will cost 33m Euros

CORFU. On the ΄Akrokefalos΄ plot of land in Temploni which is 115.51 stremma (11.551 hectares) - where the Central Corfu landfill and Recyclable Materials Sorting Centre (KDAY) are located.

19 Nov 2018 / 10:32
Solid Waste Management Association gives update on what has been done

CORFU. SYDISA has issued a report of what is happening at Temploni and Lefkimmi landfills along with photos ΄before΄ and ΄after΄.

17 Nov 2018 / 07:47
Composting has begun in Kanoni!

CORFU. The first community composting point in Corfu opened with Messrs Nikolouzos and Aspiotis in attendance.

16 Nov 2018 / 08:50
Minister of the Interior: "In a few days there will be an announcement about the splitting up of Municipalities"

The Minister of the Interior Alexia Haritsis commented on the much-talked-about ΄splitting-up΄ of Lesvos Municipality in an interview with aftodioikisi.gr.

16 Nov 2018 / 00:00
Presentation on waste management and composting demonstration at the Municipal greenhouse

CORFU. Kanoni Cultural Society is organizing a presentation on waste management on Friday 16 November at 16:00.

13 Nov 2018 / 10:19
Proposal for the conversion of waste to energy

Written by Gareth Morgan.

11 Nov 2018 / 07:33
Community waste management meeting: the successful Sparti model

CORFU. There was a good turnout and lots of interest at the meeting organized by the Alternative Cultural Workshop at the Labour Centre.