Protest by parents and pupils at Acharavi Town Hall
CORFU. Junior high and high school pupils have been holding a sit-in since Monday, January 20th.
Protest sit-in at Agros High School
CORFU. Pupils at Agros Junior High School and High School have started a sit-in, following a vote during their general assembly.
Agros High School Erasmus+ ΚΑ122 Programme completed successfully
CORFU. The training of educators through the European Erasmus+ Programme, co-funded by IKY, is being significantly enhanced so that they can meet the demands of the modern school environment.
Agros Wave: School music festival organised by Agros Junior and High Schools
CORFU. A festival where pupils are the protagonists and which they, themselves, and not the adults, plan.
Agros High School sit-in continues for second day
CORFU. Pupils are asking for school bus service to begin.
Sit-in at Agros High School with pupils protesting about unresolved situation with school buses
CORFU. The pupils are protesting about the delay in starting the school bus service.
Agros High School teachers at Erasmus educational seminar in Malaga
CORFU. They attended the seminar "Digital Classroom - Creativity and Innovation in Teaching in the Digital Era".
Agros High School teachers in Nice, France
CORFU. The teachers Georgia Athanasaki and Maria Elena Misirli, together with the project coordinator Styliani Kalogianni, travelled to France.
Pupils protest against the closure of Smile of the Child residential home
CORFU. Teachers and parents came together with pupils from Agros Junior High and High School as well as other schools.
Agros pupils protest against the closure of Smile of the Child
CORFU. The pupils are calling on other schools and anyone else to join the protest in Corfu Town on Thursday 22 December.
Attempted sit-in at Agros High School
CORFU. There was an attempted sit-in at Agros High School this morning.
Road Safety education at Agros Junior High and High Schools
CORFU. The President of IOAS ΄Panos Milonas΄ Road Safety Institute Vassiliki Danelli Milona and firefighters from Thinalia were present on Thursday 12 May.
Young Corfu athlete Konstantina Romeo one of top students at Kansas University
KANSAS. The talented Corfu triple jumper was for the second time amongst the top students for the year 2019-20 on an academic level.
Drivers and children pass through Vatonies ‘at their own risk’
CORFU. Agros school buses no longer transfer children from the area.
1st Choir get-together in Agros
CORFU. Arkadades Cultural Society, Afionas Cultural Society and Valaneio Musical Society ΄To Koro΄ are organizing the first get-together of choirs in the area.