Stricter checks on pets

CORFU. Following the launch of the National Pet Registry.
(Central Corfu Municipality) With the recent launch of the National Pet Registry, the state will begin strict enforcement of laws on July 21, 2024.
Key points that the public needs to know for responsible pet ownership and to avoid fines:
- The pet(s) under their guardianship must have electronic identification (microchip).
- They must ensure that their pets are registered in the National Pet Registry by logging in with their TaxisNet credentials at If the pets do not appear in the system, they should contact their vet.
- They should verify that their pet’s details are updated, especially regarding sterilisation and vaccinations. If the information is not updated, they should contact their vet.
- Guardians of adult pets must choose between sterilisation or submitting a DNA sample to the Companion Animal Genetic Material Storage & Analysis Laboratory by July 1, 2025.
If an owner refuses to sterilise their pet or fails to submit a DNA sample to the laboratory, a fine of €1,000 will be imposed.
Failure to microchip a pet will result in a €300 fine.
Electronic identification (microchipping) is mandatory for all dogs and cats. The owner or caretaker of the pet (dog or cat) is required to inform the vet or the relevant municipal officer of any changes to the information recorded in the National Pet Registry. This includes updates regarding the owner (such as name, address, phone number, ID number, passport number, or equivalent official document) or the pet itself. These updates must be reported within 10 working days of the change.