Saturday 08.02.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Italian teachers at 1st High School for Erasmus ΄Job Shadowing΄

25 Apr 2024 / 14:27

CORFU. The teachers from the Istituto di Istruzione Superiore "G. Govone" studied the organisation and management of the school and closely observed the implementation of the educational programmes and teaching methods that are being applied.

Corfu 1st High School was visited by three teachers from Alba in Italy as part of the Erasmus programme.

In the mobility plan for staff of all levels of school education, the European Erasmus+ Job Shadowing programme provides the opportunity for educators to spend a period abroad at a partner school. The teachers from the Istituto di Istruzione Superiore "G. Govone" studied the organisation and management of the school and closely observed the implementation of the educational programmes and teaching methods that are being applied. During the visit, the following took place:

 - Presentation of the 1st High School and a tour of its facilities, showcasing the equipment in the laboratories and pupil projects.

- Fruitful dialogue with the school's educators. Discussions about the possibilities of eTwinning and Erasmus programmes and exploration of future collaboration between the two schools.

- Observation of sample teaching sessions organised by the teachers of the 1st High School in English (Vera Konidari), Latin (Konstantinos Beis), and Ancient Greek (Evangelia Spiti, Angela Georgota).

From the overall interaction, valuable conclusions emerged regarding the differences and similarities between the two educational systems, both in terms of teaching subjects and organisational issues of educational and school life. The positive impressions of the Italian teachers from the school laid the groundwork for future collaboration within the framework of a possible twinning of the two schools.

The EU's aim is to contribute to the creation of a large pan-European educational family and to lay the foundations for long-term cooperation among schools implementing pupil exchanges, interested in good practices that they can learn and apply, and cultivating bonds of friendship between teachers and their pupils, with the goal of progress and peaceful coexistence.

Responsible educator: Angela Georgota, specialising in Language and Literature.



Photos: 1st High School