Friday 18.10.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Inspections in Corfu for tax and undeclared work

financial police
16 Jul 2024 / 11:12

ATHENS. There were inspections by the Financial Police on the islands of Paros, Naxos and Corfu, for compliance with labour, insurance, and tax legislation, over the three-day period from Friday, July 12 to Sunday, July 14.

The following were found:

- At a grill – snack bar, two employees were found working outside their designated workdays, and three receipts were not issued.

- At a restaurant, an employee was found who was not registered in the displayed staff lists.

- At a café-bar, seven receipts were not issued.

- At a restaurant, four employees were found working outside their designated workdays, two employees were working outside their working hours, and fourteen receipts were not issued. This violation warrants a 48-hour suspension of operations.

- At a restaurant, four receipts were not issued.

- At a restaurant-bar, an employee was found who was not registered in the displayed staff lists, and seven receipts were not issued.

- At a café-grill, an employee was found who was not registered in the displayed staff lists.

- At a tsipouradiko, two employees were found working who were not registered in the displayed staff lists.

For all cases, the relevant authorities (Tax Office, Social Insurance Institute, Labour Inspectorate) are being informed to impose the appropriate administrative sanctions.

Members of the public can contact anonymously or with their name, via the telephone number 11012 or via the online portal of the Greek Government ( under 'Report Financial Crimes,' to provide information or report illegal activities against the economy, public property, as well as social and insurance welfare and rights.

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