Sunday 09.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

North Corfu Municipality: Mandatory clearing of land by April 30th

land clearing
10 Apr 2024 / 16:23

CORFU. Heavy fines in case of non-compliance.

For the fire season, from May 1st to October 31st, North Corfu Municipality is calling on all landowners, residents, cultivators, and lessees of plots and open spaces located within townships, villages, and communities and within a distance of up to 100 metres from their boundaries, in accordance with the Fire Department Order "Clearing measures for fire protection of plots and other open spaces within approved zoning plans and settlements",

  1. to immediately proceed with clearing, removing weeds, branches, and any other materials that could constitute fuel in case of fire or rapid spread thereof.

  2. to maintain their clearing throughout the duration of the fire season.

The required clearing includes:

a) Clearing and removal of dry and broken trees and branches as well as branches near buildings.

Removal of flammable vegetation on the surface of the ground, such as leaf litter, dry grass, and fallen dry branches.

b) Pruning of tree crowns.

c) Removal of any other abandoned corrosive, explosive, or hazardous materials or objects within the aforementioned areas.

Finally, collection and removal of all clearing waste. (Until April 30th, the possibility of burning residues is provided under specific strict conditions).

In case of non-compliance by the obligated parties, as well as in cases of self-initiated clearing by the Municipality, the fine provided for in paragraph 26 of subsection b' of paragraph I of article 75 of the Municipalities and Communities Code (Law 3463/2006, Government Gazette A’ 114) is imposed on the obligated parties.

Municipalities are obliged to conduct inspections - on-the-spot checks, and in case of non-compliance, impose a fine of fifty (50) cents per square metre, with a minimum amount of €200. In cases where they undertake self-initiated clearing, the entire cost of clearing the area and removing materials is charged to the obligated parties.

Furthermore, after completing the initial clearing, the obligated parties may inform the respective Municipality through any appropriate means.

The clearing of plots and open spaces is an obligation for all of us, based on laws and regulations, but above all, it is an ACT OF RESPONSIBILITY towards ourselves, the environment, and our fellow citizens.

The Municipality of North Corfu looks forward to cooperation from all of us, as fire protection concerns our safety, the protection of our property, and the environment.