Dangerous Lefkimmi Health Centre entrance to be demolished

CORFU. The main entrance has been closed for safety reasons by decision of the 6th Regional Health Authority Director Yiannis Karvelis. South Corfu Laiki Sispirosi party is organising a protest tomorrow at 10:00 demanding its repair.
Even though the government had announced that the Lefkimmi Health Centre would be renovated with funding from the Recovery Fund, it still has not been renovated just like the other primary health care structures.
In fact, a few days ago, the 6th Regional Health Authority Director Yiannis Karvelis prohibited the use of the main entrance of the Lefkimmi Health Centre as it is dangerous.
Both the columns and the roof of the entrance are showing significant cracks. As a result it has been closed off with wire that does not allow access from the main entrance for safety reasons.
Since the end of last week, patients and visitors are accessing the Health Center from the second entrance, while as Mr. Karvelis told Enimerosi, a call for expression of interest has already been posted on the website of the service for the demolition of part of the roof and the two pillars. The damage is such that its repair is considered to not be enough and for this reason it is proposed to demolish it along with the two pillars.
The deadline for the submission of bids is Thursday 16 November. The budget of the project is €7,440 and includes the restoration of the part of the entrance that will be demolished. The work must be completed within ten days following the issuance of the building permit and must be carried out without hindering the operation of the Health Centre.
Inspection by engineers from the Health Ministry
As the Lefkimmi Health Centre Director Ms. Panaretou told Enimerosi, a team of engineers from the Ministry of Health carried out an inspection of the Health Centre in the summer, without requesting the closure of the main entrance. However, with the recent rainfalls, parts of concrete were detached from the roof, which alarmed the management of the Health Centre and placed the red tape that did not allow access from the main entrance.
According to her, a few days ago, the problem was also pointed out by a citizen who came to the Health Centre as a patient, but being a mechanic he was alarmed by the sight of the main entrance and decided to use the other entrance. "We have informed the 6th Regional Health Authority in writing and sent photographs of the collapsed parts. Its reaction was immediate. It found an expert from the area to place the wire at the entrance for safety reasons until the demolition could begin," Ms. Panaretou told Enimerosi.
Awaiting the tender
Although the Lefkimmi Health Centre is included in the government's plan for the complete renovation of a total of 156 health centres across the country, using €250 million from the Recovery Fund, the tender has not yet been announced by TAIPED.
Speaking to Enimerosi, Corfu ND MP Stefanos Gikas stressed that the final approval of the files by the Technical Health Council is expected and immediately afterwards the tender for the repair and renovation of the health centres will be announced.
In Corfu, apart from the Lefkimmi Health Centre, Ag. Athanasios and Ag. Markos Health Centres are also included. In fact, the MP is expected to meet with the Minister of Health Michalis Chrysohoidis within the week to discuss the issue of the renovation of health centres.
There are still problems
However, there are still problems in the island's primary health care structures. Although the 6th Regional Health Authority made some specific interventions recently, there is still the need for extensive repairs.
"We have publicly expressed many times our firm position that the Lefkimmi Health Centre needs immediate renovation. I have informed the 6th Regional Health Authority Director on these issues. In order to provide assistance, the South Corfu Municipality has made small repairs, but it is the state's obligation to repair the building. The 6th Regional Health Authority must act immediately to restore the damage and must immediately intervene," the outgoing South Corfu Mayor Kostas Lessis told Enimerosi.
South Corfu Laiki Sispirosi party led by Stamatis Pelais is organising a protest tomorrow at 10:00 outside the Lefkimmi Health Centre, demanding its upgrade when it comes to infrastructure, staffing and equipment in order to provide better health care services to the residents of the area.
"We want to stop the deterioration of the Health Centre's state. The entrance to the building has been like this for quite some time. We are calling for a complete repair of the Health Centre to meet the needs of residents in a remote area," Mr. Pelais told Enimerosi.