Today΄s St. Spyridon procession in Corfu Town

CORFU. The procession is held in commemoration of the island΄s salvation in 1716 from the Ottoman Turks, who besieged Corfu for 40 days.
The Saint Spyridon procession took place this morning, with crowds of locals and tourists visiting the historical centre of Corfu early in the morning to witness the religious events and to pay their respects to the icon of the patron saint.
The miracle
The procession is held in commemoration of the island's salvation in 1716 from the Ottoman Turks, who besieged Corfu for 40 days. The locals, Venetians and Greeks, under the leadership of Count Johann Matthias von der Schulenburg (1661-1747), mounted a strong and effective defence, repelling the Turkish attacks.
After a torrential rainfall on the evening of August 10th, attributed to the miracle of the patron saint Saint Spyridon, the Ottoman forces fled in disarray, never to return again.
According to church tradition, the saint appeared in the form of a monk, holding a lit torch, and caused panic among the Turkish soldiers, who fled in fear.
Corfu became a bulwark for all of Europe. The defending General Schulenburg was honoured for life by the Venetian Senate, which established on March 19, 1717, the annual procession with the Sacred Relics of Saint Spyridon to take place every year on August 11th.
In commemoration of this event, a grand procession with the relics of Saint Spyridon takes place every year, accompanied by the island's Philharmonic Bands, attended by crowds of Corfiots and visitors to the island.
The Saint's relics remain at the church door until the afternoon of Sunday, August 13th, day and night, for the faithful to pay their respects.