Sacred relics of St. Spyridon returned to reliquary

St. Spyridon
14 Aug 2023
/ 11:55
CORFU. The religious events for the celebration of St. Spyridon΄s miracle were completed on Sunday afternoon.
The religious events for the celebration of St. Spyridon's miracle were completed on Sunday afternoon, 13 August, with the traditional prayer, the small procession of the saint's sacred relics within the church and their return to the reliquary. The 'Old' and 'Mantzaros' Philharmonic Bands played outside the church.
The service was led by Nektarios, Archbishop of Corfu, Paxos and Diapontia Islands, while the Mayor Meropi Ydraiou, the Municipal Council President Dimitris Metallinos and the President of the National Tourist Organisation Angela Gerekou were present.