Sunday 29.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Flare-up in Krinia

28 Jul 2023 / 08:40

The Fire Department says that all the other fronts are under control.

CORFU. There was a new flare-up in Krinia, Perithia early on Friday morning, 28/7. Krinia is the most western area of Perithia, in the direction of Ag. Martinos.

According to information received, a plane and helicopter have been fighting the fire since 06:00 this morning.

There has also been another flare-up in Lafki, which is being fought by the ground and aerial forces that have remained in the area.

The Fire Department says that all the other fronts are under control.

The weather conditions are much better today, with the winds having dropped. 


Photo: Enimerosi