What needs to be done about housing problem in Corfu

CORFU. Those who prevail in the October local elections will be faced with the serious housing shortage problem.
The problem of limited availability of houses for long-term lease due to the spread of Airbnb is particularly serious in Corfu, with visible social consequences for students, doctors, teachers and other categories of civil servants and even permanent residents who find it difficult to find accommodation, as previously reported by Enimerosi.
In a quick search we did for a two-bed house on the famous platform for 24-31 July, there is availability in 1,000 airbnb properties across the island.
But how could the issue of housing in Corfu be addressed, which combined with the high rents, where there is of course availability, creates a suffocating situation?
Enimerosi talked to elected officials of the local government, candidates for mayor and deputy regional governors, party representatives and members of the Corfu Chamber of Commerce regarding the policies to be followed at local level to address the housing problem. In fact, those who prevail in the October local elections will be faced with this serious issue. What all those who eventually responded to our survey agreed on (even though the question was posed to many) is the introduction of stricter regulations on short-term lease to ensure quality of life for all those who reside on the island.
Meropi Ydraiou: The Municipality cannot legislate, but it can submit proposals
The Corfu Mayor Meropi Ydraiou called the housing issue multifactorial, noting that we must approach it with logic, sense of responsibility and in no case should it be turned into a partisan debate.
She clarified that the Municipality cannot legislate, but it can submit proposals to address the housing problem. The municipal authority's proposal has four points:
- Expansion and activation of the social compensation programme by utilising all properties of the state that are inactive.
- Regulation to ensure that Municipalities have the ability and resources to provide housing allowances to doctors and teachers working within the Municipality or people in need of support.
- Financial and tax incentives for the renovation and energy upgrading of properties, provided that the owners make them available for long-term lease.
- Extension of the programme for granting non-interest or low-interest-bearing housing loans to young people and vulnerable social groups with income criteria.
"I want to believe that others will also contribute with realistic, creative proposals. Some problems that concern citizens should not create conflict and confrontation but rather support and solidarity for our fellow citizens. I believe in dialogue, creative proposals and cooperation. This is the way that leads to the solution of problems," Ms. Ydraiou told Enimerosi.
Stefanos Poulimenos: The Municipality must demand a say and a role in this issue
The candidate for Corfu Mayor Stefanos Poulimenos pointed out that the Municipality needs to stop having the role of an awkward observer and demand a say and a role in this issue that directly affects the life of the island and therefore falls within the responsibilities that rightfully belong to the local government. He also stressed that the least he can do immediately, even before the role of the local government is recognised institutionally, is for new leases of residential property owned by the Municipality or the institutions managed by it, to set a binding condition that will prohibit their conversion to short-term leases like Airbnb.
The Municipality should also promote a bold restoration programme for the abandoned buildings owned by the Municipality and the institutions it manages, so that new housing can be made available exclusively to meet permanent or long-term family and student housing needs.
"The Municipality should propose to do the same for available housing owned by various other local institutions with references to the local community. It is necessary that the Municipality and the local bodies contribute now to a broad programme of making housing available to those who need it and not to see the speculative utilisation of their abandoned buildings as a prospect," he told Enimerosi.
Takis Metallinos: The Municipality should intervene with special incentives
The candidate for Corfu Mayor Panayiotis (Takis) Metallinos is recognising the problem that a large number of people on the island face with housing. As he said, the Municipality should intervene with special incentives aimed at the owners of the houses, so that they can rent at affordable prices to those interested. As he said, the excuse "I am not coming to Corfu, because I cannot find a house" should be eliminated.
Asked about the source of funding for such interventions, Mr. Metallinos said that it is not just a matter of money, but of general incentives. As he said, the ideas for incentives come from other Municipalities in tourist areas that face similar problems, and gave the example of Athens, which, despite being a large city, has a serious problem when it comes to finding housing. As he noted, another reason to deal with this problem immediately is the medical staff, which despite the advertisements to fill the positions, hesitates to come to Corfu because of the difficulty of finding accommodation.
Yiannis Borbotis: Housing is a social right and not an investment product
According to the councillor of the Laiki Sispirosi party and secretary of the Corfu KKE Sectoral Committee Yannis Borbotis, today we are at the point where housing, instead of being a basic and non-negotiable social good and right, is increasingly becoming an investment product and a means of profiteering.
As he said, although the municipal party has highlighted all these years the housing problem, with specific proposals in the Municipal Council, the Municipal Authority has taken absolutely no measures to solve these problems. The solutions proposed by the Laiki Sispirosi party focus on the following points:
- A monthly housing allowance of €300 from the Municipality to civil servants who rent a house, as there are no more legal obstacles.
- Use of the Municipality's assets to build modern and safe housing.
- Demand from the state the money necessary to rent or construct buildings to house employees, students and working-class families.
- Demand from the state to re-establish the Social Housing Organisation and create a state programme for social housing.
Spyros Spais: Multiple approaches are needed
(Photo: life-news.gr)
"To address this problem, multiple approaches are needed. Firstly, stricter regulations are needed for the operation of housing through the Airbnb platform. Owners should be required to comply with laws and regulations regarding rental and security of accommodation. The town should also invest in creating more long-term rental housing through community programmes. This can be done by developing low-cost housing, renovating unoccupied buildings or providing incentives to landlords to rent long-term to local residents," said Corfu Chamber of Commerce Board member Spyros Spais.
He stressed that there needs to be a comprehensive policy for the sustainable development of tourism, which will focus on the preservation of cultural heritage and the protection of the environment. According to him, this will help to avoid the extensive spread of Airbnb and to preserve the balance between tourism and the daily lives of local residents.
He also said that one of the big problems that arises is that local residents leave from the central parts of the town, as landlords prefer to take advantage of the Airbnb rental opportunity. "In addition, the lack of long-term rental housing is limiting accommodation options for local residents, especially for young people, students and low-income families," he said.
Vassilis Kaloudis: Conditions must be established for the operation of Airbnb
(Photo: money-tourism.gr)
The issue is expected to be brought to the attention of the new Minister of Tourism Olga Kefaloyianni, who is expected to visit Corfu within July. As the Responsible for Business Counselling of the Corfu Chamber of Commerce Vassilis Kaloudis told Enimerosi, conditions must be established for the operation of Airbnb. "We have been dealing with this case for three years. We do not agree to have Airbnb as it is now, but under conditions. That is to become professional, like the rental accommodation, to be registered with the Corfu Chamber of Commerce, to pay the same taxes as the rooms for rent on equal terms and be controlled by the Ministry of Tourism, and specifically in Corfu by the Ionian Islands Regional Tourism Administration," he pointed out.
What remains to be seen is whether there will finally be the political will to implement drastic measures to defuse the situation or whether the proposed solutions will remain only promises.