Wall collapses opposite entrance to Lefkimmi 1st Primary School

collapsed wall
10 Mar 2023
/ 13:06
CORFU. The north section of the wall of the listed building ΄Viarou Capodistrias΄ collapsed.
The safety of the young pupils at Lefkimmi 1st Primary School is at risk following the collapse of the a wall on the northern section of the listed building 'Viarou Capodistrias' on 21st Martiou St. in Melikia, Lefkimmi, directly opposite the entrance to the primary school.
The Primary & Nursery Parents and Guardians Association contacted South Corfu Municipality, Central Corfu Town Planning Department, Corfu Inspectorate of Antiquities and Lefkimmi police requesting those responsible to take all the necessary measures to ensure that the school can operate safely.
The wall collapsed on 28 February and the Association says that 12 days later nothing has been done apart from some tape being placed there and demand that the authorities take action immediately.

The Primary & Nursery Parents and Guardians Association contacted South Corfu Municipality, Central Corfu Town Planning Department, Corfu Inspectorate of Antiquities and Lefkimmi police requesting those responsible to take all the necessary measures to ensure that the school can operate safely.
The wall collapsed on 28 February and the Association says that 12 days later nothing has been done apart from some tape being placed there and demand that the authorities take action immediately.