Automated parking system coming to Liston square

27 Sep 2021
/ 14:54
CORFU. Deputy Mayor for Technical Works says it should be ready by Christmas.
The manned parking system in the square is coming to an end - as is the uncontrolled illegal parking.
Corfu Town, which suffers from lack of parking spaces, will soon have the same system that has been in use for years in large towns and tourist destinations abroad as well as other towns in Greece.
The system will be completely managed by an Electronic Control system and there will only be one person on duty to watch out for any problems or provide assistance if required.
The car park has approximately 270 spaces.
There will be a completely automated system with electronically-controlled barriers at all entrances and exits and a ticket machine - all controlled by an electronic system.
How the system will operate
Drivers will not pay when they enter the car park, as they do now, but will take a ticket. Payment will be made when leaving, depending on the number of hours. The first 15 minutes will be free, in case someone wants to leave immediately.
There will be two signs showing the number of spaces available, which will be continuously updated. If the car park is full, entrance will not be allowed until a space becomes available.
There will be one entrance and two exits. The entrance and one of the exits will be on Agoniston Polytechniou St. and the other exit on Viktoros Dousmani St.
Ready by Christmas
"A contractor has been temporarily announced and the procedure will soon be completed so that we can quickly contract the work out," Deputy Mayor for Technical Works Nikos Kalogeros told Enimerosi. He expects the work to have been completed by Christmas. "Our aim is to have it operating and for the public to have got used to it before we start to have heavy traffic again."
Free parking
In the 13 months before the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan is completed, the Municipality is trying to find solutions to help ease traffic problems. Nikos Kalogeros said that a plot of land has already been identified - he didn't want to say where it is, yet - "which will provide free parking for the town and have enough space for hundreds of vehicles."
At the same time, road markings will be created and efforts made in collaboration with private car parks to create a digital map with available parking spaces in town, so as to bring to an end the anarchy that reigns at the moment.
Corfu Town, which suffers from lack of parking spaces, will soon have the same system that has been in use for years in large towns and tourist destinations abroad as well as other towns in Greece.
The system will be completely managed by an Electronic Control system and there will only be one person on duty to watch out for any problems or provide assistance if required.
The car park has approximately 270 spaces.
There will be a completely automated system with electronically-controlled barriers at all entrances and exits and a ticket machine - all controlled by an electronic system.
How the system will operate
Drivers will not pay when they enter the car park, as they do now, but will take a ticket. Payment will be made when leaving, depending on the number of hours. The first 15 minutes will be free, in case someone wants to leave immediately.
There will be two signs showing the number of spaces available, which will be continuously updated. If the car park is full, entrance will not be allowed until a space becomes available.
There will be one entrance and two exits. The entrance and one of the exits will be on Agoniston Polytechniou St. and the other exit on Viktoros Dousmani St.
Ready by Christmas
"A contractor has been temporarily announced and the procedure will soon be completed so that we can quickly contract the work out," Deputy Mayor for Technical Works Nikos Kalogeros told Enimerosi. He expects the work to have been completed by Christmas. "Our aim is to have it operating and for the public to have got used to it before we start to have heavy traffic again."
Free parking
In the 13 months before the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan is completed, the Municipality is trying to find solutions to help ease traffic problems. Nikos Kalogeros said that a plot of land has already been identified - he didn't want to say where it is, yet - "which will provide free parking for the town and have enough space for hundreds of vehicles."
At the same time, road markings will be created and efforts made in collaboration with private car parks to create a digital map with available parking spaces in town, so as to bring to an end the anarchy that reigns at the moment.