12th Primary School pupils create an ΄oasis΄ in Corfu Town

school garden
02 Jun 2021
/ 12:53
CORFU. Pupils created their own school garden in the heart of Corfu Town.
The neighbourhood around Marasli and Romanou in Corfu Town is filled with colours and aromas thanks to the small 'oasis' created by the pupils at the 12th Corfu Primary School - transforming a rubbish tip into a beautiful school garden.
In place of the rubbish and rubble that used to be there, there are now lovely flowers, lemon trees, aromatic plants, roses and a vegetable garden that, through the efforts of the young pupils, has brought life to the area.
Inspired by the children's efforts, neighbours have also brought plants and flowers to add to the garden.
The school head Vaggelis Lefas told Enimerosi that the school garden was 'born' four years ago and since then dozens of pupils have been involved as part of the process of learning about sustainability and developing environmental awareness.

"The garden is an integral part of our school activities and all the pupils spend an hour each month taking care of it. It is an initiative which has had a tremendous response not only from the pupils, but from the nighbourhood as well," said Mr. Lefas.

The area where the garden was created belongs to the 12th Primary School. In the past the Municipality had asked for it in order to place underground waste bins but the school administration decided instead to use it for the benefit of the school and its beautification.
The flower garden was gradually developed by pupils and teachers and now 280 primary school pupils have access to the garden.

'Annexation' of the park
The school also has plans to 'adopt' the park opposite to improve it and provide an area for the environmental education of the pupils. The school has been trying for years to achieve this and it had been approved by the previous Municipal Council but has now come to an abrupt halt.
"In collaboration with the current local authority we would like to set up kiosks in the park with the names and information about the trees as well as an outdoor theatre," said Mr. Lefas. "Other towns are trying to create parks and we have one but it has been neglected. We have also discussed the idea with the 6th Primary School so that we can transform the park into an area that people won't be afraid to pass through, especially at night."
In place of the rubbish and rubble that used to be there, there are now lovely flowers, lemon trees, aromatic plants, roses and a vegetable garden that, through the efforts of the young pupils, has brought life to the area.
Inspired by the children's efforts, neighbours have also brought plants and flowers to add to the garden.
The school head Vaggelis Lefas told Enimerosi that the school garden was 'born' four years ago and since then dozens of pupils have been involved as part of the process of learning about sustainability and developing environmental awareness.

"The garden is an integral part of our school activities and all the pupils spend an hour each month taking care of it. It is an initiative which has had a tremendous response not only from the pupils, but from the nighbourhood as well," said Mr. Lefas.

The area where the garden was created belongs to the 12th Primary School. In the past the Municipality had asked for it in order to place underground waste bins but the school administration decided instead to use it for the benefit of the school and its beautification.
The flower garden was gradually developed by pupils and teachers and now 280 primary school pupils have access to the garden.

'Annexation' of the park
The school also has plans to 'adopt' the park opposite to improve it and provide an area for the environmental education of the pupils. The school has been trying for years to achieve this and it had been approved by the previous Municipal Council but has now come to an abrupt halt.
"In collaboration with the current local authority we would like to set up kiosks in the park with the names and information about the trees as well as an outdoor theatre," said Mr. Lefas. "Other towns are trying to create parks and we have one but it has been neglected. We have also discussed the idea with the 6th Primary School so that we can transform the park into an area that people won't be afraid to pass through, especially at night."